Another Domino Tips

Now responsible gunowners are being linked to irresponsible use of force by police…


Come defund me
Come abolish me


Maybe its time for me to get another cup of coffee. I read through some of the “news” provided in the links in the article and whooo! Might make that a beer instead…

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They are trying to find another route to gun control. One unintended consequence of the pandemic and subsequent recent civil unrest has been the rediscovery of the second amendment by on the fence and anti-gun folk who suddenly get it. Heck, there is even a discussion or two on this forum discussing all the new gun owners. And if I remember my facts correctly, and if I am wrong I hope someone corrects me, of the record number of gun purchases in April, so we are talking pandemic, not civil unrest purchases, 40% were new gun owners and around half of those were female. So, the record number of NICS checks are for non-traditional gun buyers. That is not good news for passing further gun control. One now has to wonder what the civil unrest purchase demographics are going to look like. So, if they are loosing the gun control argument straight up, they have to find something else to tie it to so it doesn’t seem like what it is. Add to that I would bet most gun owners are also pro-police.


@Brian139 Pro-police to me means pro-society. If we abandon our legal system we abandon society. We still have an individual right and responsibility to defend ourselves and those we love.


@Jeff-A1, that is exactly right. We are a nation of laws, and the justice system needs to be the same for all, not some two tier justice system. But now look at what we are seeing beyond the calls to defund police. There are politicians who are waving things like bail for rioters who commit crimes. Just arrest them then turn them loose. Take a look at the crime allowed in CH##. The laws and moral standards we all agree to abide by as a member of a functioning society must be upheld, but the people who want to defund police literally just want to see the whole thing burn.


Never let a crisis go to waste.


@Fred_G Unfortunately, it is another series of attacks on everyone’s rights. I hope the average citizen is fed-up enough to start voting these “decision-makers” out of office this Fall. We have a good foundation of liberty that many have given their lives to protect. I trained many great LE in the past and appreciate the sacrifices they are making for our country.

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Someone told me my lil burg made the national news last night. One of our citizens, a young lady and her 3 yr old child, got swarmed in my town by “peaceful” protestors. Wonderful (sarcastic) response from 911. So Tucker Carlson is a big hit on MSM because he mentioned President Trump can lose the election. Anyway:

You are correct. And now, May numbers show the same records and trends! I hope they know how to vote!

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I think Tucker was applying a bit of reverse-psychology and MSM sucked it up. Had to be at least 4 MSM outlets than ran with his story. I’m OK with that kind of ploy. At least some real news is leaking out to the masses. His point about the current administration doing something about the raging insanity is spot-on. AG Barr said their are over 500 ongoing investigations into the current anarchist wave of violence.

On the local scene, I will stop going into Old Town of Fredericksburg. To my knowledge this is the second time a car with small children inside got swarmed by “peaceful” protestors.

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How long will it take for this to be common practice?

Maybe I missed it, but it appears there were three involved…what happened to the other two? They are just as complicit and should be warming up Bubba’s bunk right now.

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The relationship between Jackson and the child’s mother is unknown.

Doing drugs and social justice together

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The mother of the tortured child was defending this punk on facebook:

The grandmother wants the mother arrested, also.