A Quote For Today

Me again. I Just Found out my 357,MAGNUM CAN FIRE 38,special rounds so I have another what you said Bobby Jean :owl::feather::feather::us::chile::100:

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I wear suspenders to hold up my belt and my gun belt and my KABAR USMC fighting knife’s so I can carry five magazines and my mp&s&w and my 357. So that my suspenders never has to trust my belt very kool set up do you know where I can get a deal on a back brace :question::question:


Check the Broke back store. I know you know!:rofl::joy::neutral_face:


Now THATS funny I put my gear . On. The scale. And it is rite at fifty pounds. :bangbang: and I Have a leather corset that bull RIDERS WEAR I LACE IT UP AND THAT HELPS !! But BROTHER if you know I know !! That would make you . Stupid. And I AM being kind !!! Every thing I have figured out .has taken me a Life time !! I went to Hertz rent a spine. To support my rubber neck , and they said you bought the very Last one ! But you knew I knew that . Bobby Jean :owl::feather::feather::us::chile::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


We can see our F-15’s. We know where they are. You can’t see our rifles. Your not allowed to know where they are…


Actually it should be our guns but they don’t want us to have guns. When the liberal politicians start ranting about gun control just remember that what they’re actually saying is gun confiscation. They know a disarmed people are a subservient people.




Silent weapons shoot situations, not bullets.
~Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars

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Blacky Brother love YOU SIR DEATH BEFORE DISHONOR :us::us::us::us::us::chile::100::100::100::owl::feather::feather::musical_score::musical_score::musical_score::musical_score: FREEDOM IS A FACT THAT MEANS . Never for get past the AMMUNITION . And I GOT YOUR SIX :bangbang::us::chile: and if I die before the enemy SIR, I KNOW YOU SIR BROTHER WILL TELL HIM GOOD BUY . JUST MY LAST REQUEST DROP HIM . Thank you and the OUTHER BROTHERS FROM A DIFFERENT MOTHER . Bobby Jean :owl::feather::feather::100::boom:

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Oh my God YES!
Blessed with many well-written moments like that!
J.D.Robb (a.k.a: Norah Roberts In DeathSeries Roarke and Eve


Don102 Brother I TRUELY LOVE YOU :bangbang::owl::feather::feather: Warriors Never DIE THEY HAVE BEEN PREPARED BEFORE THE FOUNDATION WE WERE EVEN BORN .,you my Brother shine By the GRATER LIGHT TO RULE DAY .,not FOR THE LESSER TO RULE THE NIGHT :bangbang::us::owl::feather::feather::heart:THE GRATER WE BELONG TO TO DEVIDE THE NIGHT . It’s my honor too . Have you as my Brother . Of the LITE. SIR.,THANK YOU SIR . :us::us::us::100::o::zap::zap::dizzy::sparkles:


Love you warrior SIR YOU SHINE BROTHER GUNNER . :us::us::us::100::100::100::heart::owl::feather::feather::o::zap::zap::dizzy::chile::musical_score:and HIS TRUTH KEEPS MARCHING ON WARD THANK YOU SIR BROTHER SIR :sparkles::sparkles:

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  • Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.

~Phil. 4:8


If this great republic ever required marshal law, a true military administration, it would make the most sense for hardly anyone to ever know.

Live on the leading edge.
That way you can watch those on the bleeding edge fail.


If you think your done ; it’s just the beginning ; to another end.

: BKY :slight_smile:


It is easier to fool a man than to convince a man that he’s been fooled.
~Mark Twain


I use that sometimes when talking to certain peaceful religion ppl.

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“Life is like a bowl of cherries,
Sometimes it’s just the pits…”
(I’m a lot of fun @ parties…no, really…I am)
:grinning: :grinning: :grinning: :grinning: :grinning: :grinning: :grinning: :grinning: :grinning: :grinning: :grinning: