400+ illegals brought into the USA by an ISIS affiliated group…

@Alexander67 Welcome to the community!


Welcome to the community @Alexander67

That is true. We spent so much time after 9/11 going after so many people that had nothing to do with 9/11 that it took forever to finally take out the person in charge of the attack. And to this day we have not touched any of the big money backers who helped fund his attack on US.

I’m pretty sure all the 9/11 attackers were legally allowed into the country by our government. No need to sneak across the border. Almost all of them came from Saudi Arabia. So we invaded Afghanistan. Going there to get Bin Laden was justifiable. Though not focusing on getting him and staying for 2 decades made no sense. Then when the military finally cornered Bin Laden they shifted all their forces away to invade Iraq that had nothing to do with 9/11. This allowed Bin Laden to escape Justice for several more years. Meanwhile we keep pumping weapons and money into Saudi Arabia🤪

Also the only planes allowed in the air after the 9/11 attacks started were carrying members of the Bin Laden family out of this country. Bush owed them a favor for bailing out his failing businesses in the past.

Sure would have been helpful to talk to them about where their dangerous relative was hiding before letting them leave the country. And if their family money had been used to support the attacks😡


I throwing a $5 bill on this bet… The dhs has no clue where any of them are… but they wear ankle bracelets you say… snip snip.


Welcome Alexander67!


I’d lay odds on they have no clue where any of em are at!!!


They don’t……


Scot52. SIR. AMEN. SIR . :us::100::100::100::bangbang:


I think that is why we have an open border so they can try to take over our country.


Not “trying”. They have already changed fundamentally the makeup of our society. There are large areas in cities in our country where English is the second language. Network TV runs Spanish ads intermingled with English ones. They have already admitted illegally the equivalent of an entire population of a small country into ours.


I just got back from GA and nearly every radio station on scan was speaking Spanish or playing Mexican music.


Can’t watch it or read it. Must allow ADS on FauxNews to do so. Duck that.


:thinking:Man, I’m glad I speak SpanGlish! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :laughing:


I got moved rather quickly to Miami for business reasons just a couple of years ago. I’m fluent in Spanish and LOVE Latin America and have been to a bunch of countries many times over the years. Mexico is like my second home and I have a lot of great close friends down there, actually just got off the phone with one.

My wife on the other hand is a good ol’ Brooklyn Irish descent girl. When she went to go grocery shopping the first time she was in shock because everyone assumed she spoke Spanish and she couldn’t find any foods she recognized on the shelves. For about a year she asked me just about every day when I was moving her back to America…



Enzo-T SIR . If we don’t get responsible . Leaders. To run our country we . Will not . Be able to defend ourselves against the invaders. And the democrats will be . The first to try and run to Canada . :canada: And they will not let Americans citizens come in because they have laws . And they will never allow the cowards to . Come hid and bring their . Lost beliefs that has destroyed our democracy and country . The democrats are not getting out of the . Mess they made . They are going to be straight up . In the crap they made. And . They will be . On their knees kissing azz just like they always have . When you only stand for . Evil don’t cry when you get burned down . Wtf . They the democrats have done this to our country . They get a FROUNT row seat . Of kiss azz . Bastards. Love Bobby Jean :feather::feather::owl::chile::us:here’s ya a root beer . :beer: cowards . They are first


Enzo’T. Right now go to MÉXICO straight across from Barrett’s Harley Davidson. You can see the bridge!!! Walk across the bridge and go about a block . And . You just messed up . They are . Taking American citizens hostage and you will change your mind . I can do it . But I know some of the dangerous cartel. L. T. ‘S and I may not even be able to get back my self. Depending on what went wrong that day . It’s a war zone. The only thing I like about going there is the rush. Of the gun fire . My neighbor is from there and he will not go with me just saying WTF. SIR . Seriously. :cn:


I used to take people to MÉXICO and they would get their teeth fixed . They have better dentist . Then the USA :us: and you could afford to get everything fixed . Now . You cross that border you . Are in danger to the likes you would definitely have a hard time . Trying to figure out why everyone is looking at you . If you were born in the USA you are F.‘Ed. To the bone you better find some one back home to pay for your . Release . It’s a war zone . And MÉXICO is . Taking Americans GUN MAKERS TO COURT . Because our guns are killing MESKEN people . Seriously . They are suing our gun manufacturers the UN :united_nations: small arms TREATY. That’s. F.N. KARZY. Wtf. F. MÉXICO. Love that sir . No root beer for you SIR .:feather::feather::owl::cn:WTF.

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We used to be able to have a blast in MÉXICO now they are fighting war with cartel after cartel in such a way that . They find out that you are an American citizen . Pray someone will send money for your azz or you will be killed in Slaved it’s serious and speaking spaghetti. Is not going to do anything but let you know what they are going to do with you to you . Everything you have they just took it. A lot of my night mares come from being in . Latin America. MÉXICO Columbia and . Crap holes . With jungle crap from hell not no vacation a FN. Night mares night mare. Seriously. I would rather pizz on the hells angels bikes out side there clubhouse than go back to hell. MÉXICO . Sir or any other country . That yab ba da ba do s. Bull .:paw_prints::paw_prints:at least I would have a chance . And a root beer :beer::us::us::us::us::us::us::us::us::us::us::us::us::us::us::latin_cross:


Funny I now feel safer in Mexico City than in many USA cities. Yep funny, and so freaking sad…


Brother THATS their money . The government there will protect you . As long as you stay on course. But go off the beaten path and you won’t feel safer :us::latin_cross::feather::feather::owl:

Every one who believes that they will go to Canada :canada: if trump wins and he is going to win . Because the democrats know if Harris did win America would be lost in less a week. :100::iran::mexico::point_up:t4::feather::feather::rooster::ox::paw_prints::paw_prints::paw_prints::dizzy::us::100::latin_cross: