40 year high U.S. inflation.

Can’t wait for the gubmint to start opening “company stores” again. :thinking:
Starting to remind me of “Sixteen Tons”.
I have a feeling this is the end game.


No, an emergency wake up call for all those who voted against (or failed to vote for) 45 is what is needed. ALL inflation comes from the government/Fed printing money. This will only lead to more inflation.

It is time to wake up and vote out the politicians who keep on voting for more and more debt funded spending. The first to go should be Mike Johnson and Mitch McConnell!!


The people have been and always will be “useful idiots” and continue to vote against their own best interests. Mind boggling how uninformed most of the populace is.


Isn’t the city of Chicago started doing this already? Grocery stores have closed in certain parts of the city because no private business will absorb the cost of all the stealing.


Not yet, but soon??? :thinking:

Chicago Looking at Creating a Publicly Owned Grocery Store (hoodline.com)