Dirty jobs what happening

$1200 for fuel? food prices sky rocketing?


It’s all deliberate. Sabotage.


sure do seem that way when you actually pause and look closely at what’s going on and the order it’s happening…


This is what happens when you have lots of short sighted greedy people controlling an economic system based on perpetual growth on a planet with finite space and resources. Not to mention the immense pressure of almost 8 billion people striving to achieve the economic success and stability of the increasingly less typical middle class American while a tiny group control 80% of the worlds wealth.

Nature and economies are cyclical. We peaked back in the 90s. There has been a decades long debt binging push to keep this peak moving higher. It is only going to make the fall that much steeper.

Some economists feel that the peak of the U.S. was in the late 50s and early 60s before LBJ got his filthy hands on the economy and power. Of course if you didn’t happen to be alive then, we might as well talk about living in the 19th century. Having actually been alive during the 50s and 60s (and presently) I can make the comparison. My memories might be 80 years old, but I can remember doing things that are impossible today. For instance, walking into the East Coast version of Western Auto at 16 years old and buying a .22 rifle and walking out the door after completing the purchase. The only paper work was the cash register receipt and probably a registration card for the rifle with Remington that never got sent in for recording the warranty. Walking through town with the rifle in a box because I didn’t have my driver’s license yet. I must have used my birth certificate for ID or maybe the store clerk didn’t require any. Can’t remember that detail this many years later. That was May, 1953. That was 69 years ago, probably this week because I went down within a couple of days of turning 16. Didn’t need parental approval. I could have bought a .22 pistol if I had wanted but my funds were limited as the only good jobs for teenagers at that time required one to be 16. In fact, it might have been my first paycheck from working as a grocery bagger Thursday evening, Friday evening and all day Saturday. In those days most working folk were paid on Thursday or Friday and in cash. After the bank failures in the 30s, most adults in the early 50s well-remembered those days and didn’t trust banks. Money was kept hidden in an envelope or a container, sometimes an empty Crisco can or a cookie jar and the housewife doled the money out as needed. Sometimes the husband hoarded the cash and only gave his wife a certain amount for household needs and he doled the rest out as needed. Not exactly women’s lib but unlike today, most households still had two parents. I bought my first car, a '37 Chevy for $100. Probably a couple of paychecks later. The car was as old as I was. Sure wish I had it now. It would be worth a lot more than $100. Almost bought a Model A instead of the Chevy. Really wish I had bought the A. It would make a dandy supplement to my retirement income today. I was reluctant because I didn’t trust the reliability of a car 24 years old. It was $25 more than the Chevy which probably also entered into my decision.

My social security card is stamped “NOT FOR IDENTIFICATION PURPOSES”. Ha ha ha ha another lie by the government. "YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER WILL NEVER BE USED TO IDENTIFY YOU.’ There were lots of folks running around with numbers on their wrists as souvenirs frothier vacations courtesy of the Nazis. Too many folks today think it is perfectly acceptable to have a chip implanted in them so they don’t have to carry ID. In 1950 that would have been viewed with horror and revulsion. Too much like the novel 1984. We have met the future and it is 1984 deja vu. I think as soon as my generation has passed, the folks who remember the horrors of the various concentration camps here in the U.S. and in the many foreign countries that also had them, any payments from any governmental agency will be by EBT card. No more checks in the mail; no more direct deposit with funds that you can spend as you desire. Nosiree! Uncle Joe — did you ever notice that is the same sarcastic way that we used to refer to Uncle Joe Stalin — knows what is best for you to spend the stipend the goober mint doles out.

No, afraid the 90s were not the golden years.


Thanks for sharing! I grew up in the 70s and 80s. So got to see the effects of Stagflation but the lessons of the Great Depression were fading into history by then. Lots of issues back then as well but we were still growing up in a time when a child was expected to have more opportunities than their parents did. I don’t think the 90s were golden years but I do think they are where our economy transitioned from true growth to debt and speculation fueled bubbles.


And let’s not even talk about all the delusional people who picked the easiest major in college and are now demanding that we provide for their existence, since they can’t find a job that will pay them what they think they’re worth.


not real far behind you… bought a fincub 7.62 from sears… nothing needed to be filled out…

just bought it and took it home… will be 73 this year… things were so different then…

still remember in gun shops and such older guys sayin things like 2nd protects us etc…


@OldDude49 >> Got my first two 22 single shot rifles with green stamps.
PS: still remember the smell of the gunpowder while hunting gray squirrels not to mention running around in the woods like a fart in a skillet chasing them And of course the wonderful smell of # 9 used to clean the rifle as soon as I got home. ( good memories )