+1 in the chamber -1 in the magazine +1 in the magazine

“Stopping power” impresses shooters. Solid hits impress shootees. That’s my take.
Always be prepared for “your” incident to extend into the tails of statistical distribution.

This has been around for a while. Google can take you to derivative articles and some clearer displays of the data, but AFAIK this is the original presentation of Ellifritz’ evaluation.


Full mag plus one in the pipe and 2 extra mags no matter which edc I am carrying.

No one has ever come away from a fight complaining about having taken too much ammunition.


1 chamber, full magazine, 1 spare magazine.

Kinda wonder about those states with capacity restrictions, seems like that’s to restrict the magazine not how many rounds you put in it.


Utah has similar verbiage.

This is when I wish that the iron gates would come down and lock them in. The cops will get to them when they’re done with real work.

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I put one in the chamber and then put 1 back in the magazine and I also carry 2 spare magazines. You You should always carry a spare magazine in case you need to rip the one you have out. Due to a malfunction.


Probably not. I don’t hear complaints about running out, either.

Seems like at some point other factors matter more. I probably know of more people who no longer carry on a regular basis because packing all the merit badges is too much hassle. Society would probably be better served if they just carried a gun full.

My thinking — If I needed 20 rounds to finish a civilian gunfight, then

  • I am the bad guy;
  • I’m a bad shot;
  • I have bad equipment; or
  • I was probably doomed from the outset.

Not possible to be ready for everything and still function in the world.
But by all means, carry whatever makes sense to you in your world. :ok_hand: :ok:


Keep your guard up. All are not what they seem.


i always carry every day, even in my job. And I always have one on the chamber, a full magazine in my Sig P365 X. also a extra magazine loaded.The way crime is growing in our towns, you never know. But I always pray everyday that I never have to use it to defend myself, but I’m always ready. Its just better to have & not need, then to need and not have…be ready. You should never need to get ready, you should be ready.


The way I grew up, we are all the same. I have no tolerance for those unwilling to self-reflect or accept others for who they are. If you don’t like a person move past them. Each encounter we have/create is part of our journey to learn more about ourselves, like writing to a boatload of strangers in a virtual forum. Some of my life principles are protecting my family, learning from others, being tolerant and patient, lending a hand, and removing the negative from my life. I believe more positive or negativity- not good or bad lol-

You are correct- everyone wears a mask, even in the virtual world. If we took off all of our masks and reviled the true self, I think we would scare everyone and ourselves too, lol. Good looking out–

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Unfortunately we are in the “outset”! 6 years ago the conversations among this community wasn’t close to what we are talking about now. All men should know when they’ve been conquered! That’s a quote!
We have been conquered, our country, the one we grew up in and swore allegiance to, is completely gone. It no longer exists! It’s a fond memory!
So literally, 1 in the chamber , 2 in the pocket, 3 in the carry-on luggage or 100 in my trunk, these were not as concerning as “what’s for dinner”, “how was your day, honey”, “did the kids get their homework done”, are we safer with a series 70 or 80 1911”, “who won last nights game”, “is she really going to wear THAT to the dance”? These were the questions of an unconquerable nation.
Now, at the outset, we’re concerned with the ballistic ratings of Suzy’s back pack, is Billy really safe on the school bus, are school teachers trying to turn my boy into a girl and vise versa. Is Bobby Sue, really a Bobby or a Sue and will he/she beat my daughter in a swim match?

We are doomed, it’s half the reason we all signed up as soon as we could. We needed someone to cover our backs at the same time we are covering our families backs. Back in the old days, I covered my family’s back! I was in the right when I did so. From the outset, we’ve become the bad guy.
I have more freedoms and rights to loot a pharmacy or Louis Vuitton than I do saving my own life! If there was no video from Kyle Rittenhouse, ( insert YOUR name ) he would be dead in prison from a prosecutor that doesn’t know the 4 laws of gun handling! If that ain’t doomed I don’t know what is!
Granted, maybe not so much me, as my kids and grandkids.
So in closing, whatever it takes to keep yourself and your family safe, do it! If it takes 1 in the chamber and a USCCA CARD, aka a lawyer in my pocket, so be it!


That is exactly right. Not a flawed thought on your message. I believe most here are good, some scared, and a few that are “trolling”. All in all what Scott said is spot on.

Is there a way to walk it back? Or, have we held the line to long? Stay safe, aware, and alive.


Sound advice.

My country is fine. In peril, as always.
But we grind on, learning history’s lessons anew.
Freedom and justice for all will one day prevail.


Preaching the truth!!

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A lot of reasons I no longer live there.

I do all of the above.

My state has no mag capacity limit.

I lock the slide of my 1911 back, drop one in the
I’ve, releases the slide, insert 8rd mag.

Many will argue about this practice claiming it can damage the pistol. In 39 years of 1911, I’ve never had one damaged by doing this. Plus dropping that slide lever causes a wonderful sound in my ears.


I have been told and read that dropping one in the pipe can damage the extractor @Smiddy . I don’t know how true it is.

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It can happen. It is more common that the ejector does not engage the cartridge, resulting in a FTE.