YT commenting

I commented on YT yesterday that I stand with Israel. I soon got a comment from a keyboard jihadi saying you will die with them. We got into a bit keyboard boasting. It finally stopped when I invited down. I’m not stupid, I sent him to the back woods where if he keeps that attitude he won’t be found or seen again.

Out source your violence if needed but we can’t show the slightest amount of fear or retreat to these guys. I will fight but damned if I’ll let it be a fir one. I’m stacking the cards in my favor.


Unfortunately, more and more fighting and killing is certainly the future for Israel. That – fighting and killing – does not solve anything as the fighting and killing for the last 75 years has not brought region any closer to peaceful co-existence. It has simply hardened both sides and created the next generation of “freedom fighters.” The belief seems to embrace the discredited Curtis Lemay military doctrine that peace can only happen only if you kill enough non-combatants from the other side.

One can only hope that the fighting does not expand to a nuclear conflagration which would kill innocents on an industrial scale.


@William191 :thinking: Wondering if he (jihadi) does show up in them “back woods” knows that there are dangerous wild animals (bear, mountain lions, rattle snakes, high rocky cliffs). :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :laughing:


I listened to this today. It was interesting.


I read a story not long ago, the state is test releasing, whatever that means, a couple mountain lions back there somewhere. Horrible shame if he got et.

PS: I would die laughing if he got bit by a mountain rattler or a copperhead. He might not die from a copperhead bite but damn those things are like wasps, bite you just because it can.


I’ve been banned from a couple of popular trashy internet sites by asking for a meeting place. Seems the only place they are brave is in mommies basement in their tighty whities waiting for mommy to get the cookies out of the oven…


I gave my address out once and told him your choice burgers and beer or we can trade led. He took all his posts down.


I’m going to have to recommend against that


I won’t do it again AND WHY I sent him to the back woods this time.


You did good. :+1:


I’m at the front woods, all I need is range and wind direction!


On occasion I was able to find out information on my keyboard opponent while having our differing opinions. A little info can lead to a lot with the right searches and deductive thinking. I got one guys phone number, asked if we should continue our fight over the phone as my typing finger was sore, and complimented his swimming pool…poof…last comment was WTF and his account was gone.
I changed the spelling of my name, pronounced correctly if you do the proper inflection but looks mideastern in print. Got into it with a woman, figured out she lived on the seventh floor of an apartment building on Long Island NY. She gets wound up, let’s me know she knows where I am as well, and is going to send “her people” to get me…then calls me a bleeping towel head :crazy_face:
This was Facebook stuff, got off that 8 years ago.