WOW: Mitch McConnell CENSURED Over His Efforts Violating The Constitution


I agree with the Ky County, Ole Mitch did not vote inline with those who voted him in, he voted so that he could maintain his power, its time to remove from office those we elect who do not then actually go and represent “we the people”!


I keep warning my wife- a 100% Republican- not to underestimate her party’s historic knack for shooting itself in the foot. They just assume they’re getting full control of Congress after the November election, but overconfidence breeds stupidity. (That’s true for both parties.)


For old school Globetrotter fans, I have been saying for years (long before Rush did) that the establishment Perublican Party is the Washington Generals of politics.


Mitch has never been a conservative, and his decision making always is ruled by keeping his position and power! To bad he does not do what he is supposed to do help everyday Americans prosper!


I don’t really care; I wouldn’t consider myself a “conservative,” either. I’m just saying that Republicans hate each other almost as much as Democrats do, and I’m unwilling to bet money that they can unite long enough to regain control of either the House or the Senate.


I don’t know that all these politicians actually hate each other so much. Think they are all just too busy climbing over each other to grab as much money and power as they can. They don’t have any time left over to worry about party unity or the needs of their constituents.




Term limits might help keep some of the cockroaches from openly consolidating power but I doubt it would stop most of them from scurrying around and raiding new cupboards.


Term limits didn’t slow down Putin much.


when the party has full control over WHO you get to vote for…

all they have to do is support/insert or put in the running someone that is way worse then the person in office…

too often that is how these rino’s stay in power… their party supports em… NOT we the people…


Make them work for FREE for the people they are supposed to be representing for one term, let’s just call it their probationary period.

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I live in Mitch’s district and if possible will never vote for him. Last election, the Republicans put up ppl Mitch was sure to beat. Then came along Dem Amy McGrath as soon as vote for Bela Palosi as for for her. Not going to happen. Run myself, hah; rather be a beat cop in Chicago.

Putin didn’t have term limits as we usually think of them. He had term limits the way New Mexico’s Governor does. After so many terms you have to sit out a term, then you can come right back. That’s what he did.

Now, I think Russia’s Constitution has changed to eliminate his term limits.

I think all levels of the Federal government should have hard term limits, the way the President does. So many terms, then you are permanently done, with no chance of coming back.


Yeah, he rotated between President and Prime Minister, and kept puppets in power where he couldn’t be.

Speaking of puppets, I’m not sure exactly how much difference Congressional term limits would make. They have way more power than the average citizen, obviously, but there are strong influences beyond elected officials.


George Wallace many years ago made a statement that sums it up: “There’s not a dimes worth of difference between Democrats and Republicans.” And Wallace was certainly not one with sterling character. I’ve seen way to many pics with articles showing McConnell and Chuckie Schumer with their empty little heads together. TERM LIMITS!!!

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Actually there is a difference. When Democrats are in charge, you lose your rights quickly.

When Republicans are in charge, you lose your rights slowly.


You have a valid point. The “repubs” are also sneakier about it…


It is time for EVERYONE to vote for any party other than the big two.


The Republicans tear each other apart in the primaries guaranteeing that they drop in the polls for the general election. The Republicans cannot unite. Unfortunately there won’t be a Red Wave