Gun Control. Where are the Republican lawmakers?

This is a very interesting perspective about the lack of action by the supposed conservative pro-2a protectors.

Good video, thanks for posting. Nancy and I have been doing just that here in WI. We usually just get stock answers by some aid. Maybe we need to up the language?
After Paul Ryan quit on the Prez we got Mike Gallagher who was married last year and has been MIA. We will keep up the pressure. :wink:


Caddo Parish commissars are holding a public meeting today trying to infringe our rights…

I’ll be there…for-sure!

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@Randall318 Will your Republican representatives be there to counter with a bill or measure to expand our 2a rights? Not just to vote any restrictions down, but counter attack?
We have to stop doing ALL the work. That is the point behind the video. We need to go on the offensive.
But I agree, you showing up means you are doing your part. :+1: Expect the same of the government that works for us. You are not getting paid to go, your elected officials are. Make them work for it or suffer the consequences during the next election


Video makes a well stated point. Lawmakers need to be asked what they are doing to actively oppose anti-2A regulations. Thanks for creating the post.


I’m not sure but was not even aware of this until today at 4:00 A.M.!
It’s been silenced!

BUT the video & you speak of many truths about this!

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Historic Republican problem. Too many of them say the right thing to get elected, but never really fight for what is right once in office. How many times have we seen good legislation(or the repeal of bad legislation) stopped by a few Republican defectors. I will say, in the Trump era, that we seem to be getting rid of some of the RINOs, but only time will tell.


Good question… This is the major reason why I don’t trust any politician. The labels are different but I still see too much attention given to self instead of their oaths & constituents. I don’t mean this to be all encompassing statement applicable to every Republican, but it’s the case more often than not. Perhaps if we eliminated the financial incentives we could get a more dedicated public servant. I say pay politicians what they pay teachers. :thinking::v:t5:


It is not really the pay that is the problem, it is all the money they make because they are gubment officials…

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Well it did not pass! BUT call me stu stuuu studering ran randall cause I froze up before the counsel; all the people, and media.

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I have to say that was something Trump really irritated me with on January 12, Gun Lobby Day. He tweeted (a freaking tweet) that we needed to get out there and protest, that our gun rights were under attack in Virginia. Well " No Sh#t Sherlock. How about you and the rest of the Republicans we elect get some gumption and start proposing legislation to limit attacks on the 2nd Amendment".


@Zavier_D I saved these as a reminder of why I may vote for him. It’s entirely up to him to keep his word…


I feel cornered as a gun owner come election time I know one party has to many that want to take my 2A rights. The other won’t stand up for them except at election time.

Maybe in my lifetime gun owners and our elected representatives will do something.

I just want to enjoy my hobbies without a gallon of stomach acid that someone is going to buy a few votes and turn me into a felon overnight.

Last summer when he endorsed ban on bump stocks and discussed red-flag laws nationally…

I swore he lost my vote BUT came to terms with his game(s) of Texas Hold-em with Pelosi and her clique of Constitution haters