Are there any women on here who live near the Alabama Gulf Coast who train at the range regularly? I have found that most women here carry a firearm but FEW go to the range and train.
Negative on the location, Wisconsin here. The hubby and I are regulars at the range. I did have a little bit of a medical issue that kept me away for a bit. Hoping to make it back into the routine.
Good to hear. I think women in AL seem to have the attitude “I grew up around guns so I dont need to train.” I grew up around McDonald’s too but that doesn’t make me a Big Mac. Hopefully I can find some women here to have some range time with. Training with our boyfriend’s is a bit different. Until then, it’s me and the guys lol
My wife is one of very few women who has her own membership at the local gun club because most just go under their husbands membership during the non public hours or to the members only ranges.
The problem with that is then you both can not be shooting at the same time since the member becomes the rso for their guests.
But once again wrong location. Our gun club is in MN and we live in western Wisconsin.
Yes, I have a membership also. It usually turns out to be me, the range officer and a 20 year old guy. Others come and go. But hey, I get ALOT of free training of different scenarios.
At least twice a week I’m a member of one indoor and one outdoor range in MI (where I work) and on the farm in MO when I’m home. And I try to take someone with me at least once a week. We have a couple moderately active women’s shooting groups in MI and I train my granddaughter at home.
I’m from North Carolina not Alabama, sorry. With my busy hectic schedule I don’t get to the range as often as I would like to. I try at a minimum to go once a month preferably more. Sadly, there usually are not many if at all any women when I am there. I generally go during the week after I get off from work at 4PM. So there usually is not many people there and sometimes I get the whole range to myself.
It’s not just women that do not train. Men are just as fault with that as women are. One of the guys where I work that I know who carries on an occasion. I do know he does not go to the range or shoot that often. In fact several other guys I know don’t practice regularly.
Let’s just pray that if they ever need it for self defense, they can hit their attacker and nobody else.
Oh, despite what @Zee says about all of the center mass holes I’m not a good shot.
Hubby and our son are under my membership as it were, but we’re in California. Hope you find others in your area!
Men are at least 3x as bad. Welcome.
I try to go once if not twice a week. Seems to be my favorite shoulder exercise lol. I had shoulder surgery in Sept and this works on my range of motion- yes, I tell this to my physical therapist.
Zee - what part of Michigan? I was born in Alpena and use to go back and hunt with cousins. Miss the snow and cold, NOT!
Don’t know if you’ve found some women in your area yet, or not, but you could check The Well Armed Woman site (TWAW) to see if they have a group in your area. I was looking thru some of the older stuff I hadn’t seen, thought I’d pass that along in case. I’m in N GA myself, do my shooting mostly at home. Best to you…
I work near Ann Arbor - well at the moment I work at home in Missouri because of COVID-19, but my day gig (for the duration of this contract) is Ann Arbor. And we barely had any cold and snow this winter - I think I got a coat out once this winter… the rest of the time its been sweater or a hoodie and maybe a lined vest.
Good for you Zee - Haven"t been back in years. Last time the snow and the wind were not pretty.