Window Stickers Intel

The short answer is NO. To me it only serves to inflame some folks into action against a sticker. I am sure if I was wearing a USCCA T-shirt the action against the symbol would take a different approach. Most of the people that take action against a symbol are weak and uneducated. It is no different than tearing down a monument, no single person would do this, but a group would.

I think it is your right to have a sticker on your vehicle expressing your belief just remember not everyone will agree.



I’m on the way for a removal. - j.


In some ways I hope they are paying attention to my bumper!
All stickers can be googled. It wouldn’t be to hard to decipher “Born to Protect”.
Unfortunately it’s not a free country anymore hence I have to censor my bumper stickers. Although, to the completely oblivious, “Born to Protect” could be misconstrued as, pro life. Another hot button. Where there’s a pro there’s a con.
I’m still considering putting my new USCCA decal on my windshield. They are waterproof, right?


I’m a (George) Carlin-ite, so anytime I think of bumper stickers I laugh ['Bumper Stickers' - George Carlin - YouTube] at the thought of him joking:

“You wouldn’t want to get out in traffic and not have some reading material for the other drivers. What on earth would people ever do at the red lights if it weren’t for my handy rear bumper mobile library service?”

The only sticker I ever had on my car was a Metallica + suriken logo in high school. I had a bumper magnet I never used, (I’m only speeding cause I really have to poop!) and actually ended up getting a ticket for that very reason.

I agree with your discretion as a tool and you should always do what makes you feel comfortable. I, myself, am careful not to throw away high-priced item boxes out in my recycling bin without tearing them down first. No need to advertise to my neighbors and whoever may be walking by on trash day that I just bought a 72" SONY 4K curved TV and accompanying surround sound unit. Or to carelessly leave my Benelli/Mossberg/SIG boxes in the trash visible to the curious crook. That said, those scenarios are also directly attached to my home address.

Again, I’m not one for stickers, but being strategic with them can be a benefit (e.g. pro-police; pro-fire stickers that your receive through donations). I learned this when my mom was forgiven for lighter traffic violations when she had PD + her Nursing stickers displayed. It is no secret that, especially in today’s climate, if our friends in uniform see you’re on their side you will have a more positive encounter (not to say you’re getting off with anything you do).

That said, I feel proud to be a USCCA-type gun owner and wear my “Keep CA tactical” t-shirts out in public to invite discussion about gun culture and rights. I save my stickers/patches for my range bag and gun cases. I feel sad that you’ve been made to feel threatened by having certain stickers on your car in today’s world, but understand your decision and thank you for sharing your insight into it.


A Bernie Sanders sticker tells you two things. 1) They don’t have any money because they are too stupid to get any job other than waiting tables. 2) They don’t have any nice things because of reason #1.


I agree, I’ve taken stickers and things off my vehicle ever since my “support our troops” was stolen off my car when Bush jr was prez. The reason today for not doing stickers is the new form of “swat” ing. What I mean is, cut someone off in traffic or even just jealous anti-gun cowards can see a gun sticker on your car, call 911 and say you threatened/waved your gun at them, and you got a problem when you get pulled over, possibly at gun point. Plus you may give away your element of surprise if you’re concealed carrying. So yes, either way, I like being the grey man. I do like and own “gun shirts” but those are for when I travel to restricted states or countries, and I put stickers on my safe or range luggage.


Great point! Here I thought I was paranoid! I did not know they do that, yet I had said something similar to my wife. Good call!


@Dawn Ya know, some stickers they’d recognize, some not. The USCCA, probly not. But NRA, Gun Owners of America, Buckeye Firearms Assn., the ones i"ve been sent, are pretty clearly pro-2A. Maybe I’m odd, but I have a habit of looking at bumper stickers in parking lots, or when behind someone in the drive through. I think a crook who had done the least bit of thought could figure out what a stack of gun organization stickers mean about the driver and vehicle. If I’m inside the vehicle, I’d hope it would serve as a warning, but if not, I think it could be an invite for a thief to check out to see if I left my carry gun in the car outside a “no carry zone.” Or, in my driveway, could invite overnight thieves IMO.
The general public = IMO, condition white. Thieves, I think are almost always scheming to make a buck, so I’d equate them to yellow and therefore noticing my stickers.


I agree that the less noticeable one would be the USCCA Sticker. I didn’t know until I joined and became familiar with it.


I agree with that logic 100%. When I was a teenager I had a high rise pickup with blue light bar, first aided license plates, NRA life member sticker, college stickers, specific EMS squad identification tag, parking stickers for school and work. I stopped short of spray painting my social security number, name, address, and birth date on the side windows.

As I aged, I lost interest in many of the adrenaline pumping activities and came to value safety and security. I keep a generic firefighter sticker and backstoppers sticker next to my license. I sometimes question if I should go further “greyman” and remove those, but if I get pulled over, I want the police to know I am on their side before we meet. Risk vs benefit.

My daughter, on the other hand is a college student who is now “expressing herself” all over the windows of her car. We’ve discussed the consequences of angering people with differing political views. I think the sheer quantity of stickers on her windows will prevent anyone from being able to interpret much of anything. It looks more like graffiti than political statements. She’s definitely my kid. :grin:


I’m not positive this is the right place for this story, but I think it fits the theme. While surveying the area as I left Costco the other day (with a mask on) the first thing I notice is a big 511 on a t-shirt, the second thing is woodland pattern cargo shorts, the third thing is a full size grip poking the guys t-shirt out like something from the movie aliens (literally).

I think the point is that if it wasn’t for the 511 billboard on his chest there is a chance I wouldn’t have noticed, but with the billboard it was impossible to miss.


We live in a world full of acronyms. On a daily basis we are bombarded with them and when mentioned are not defined.
Many are “blind” to them and ignore them. Internet searches don’t help either. In many cases, what you are looking to clarify will not be in the “top 10” of a search.


Well here’s a differing perspective. I’m also a proud vet and believe in and support the 2A. I don’t display on my vehicle for all the reasons stated and more. I particularly don’t advertise my USCCA membership primarily because I don’t want law enforcement to view ME as a threat. Yes, it can be a very different experience for a black person. I’d love to feel equally comfortable carrying and displaying as my white counterparts but the reality is while you may have concerns with public perception, there’s also law enforcements perception I’m most concerned with.


My truck has no stickers 'cause it ain’t nobody’s business but my own and people who know me know EXACTLY where I stand, constitutionally. However, I DO take great pleasure when i see lefties with the back end of their vehicles plastered with 4, 8, and 12 year old political stickers on the painted surfaces. As anyone who has tried to remove one knows, cheap political stickers have very high quality glue on them.Regarding people, 90%+, I’m convinced, are in perpetual Condition White-probably because they are so wrapped up with what they have to do NEXT occupies more of their attention than what they’re doing NOW.


The sad thing is, that is far too accurate a statement about the United States today
 and it is not just stickers or emblems with firearms.

If you like Trump, a Trump sticker might get your vehicle or you attacked, politics has devolved into something less than civil, and it was not always civil in the first place

Sports, if you like one team, you might be attacked.

Just about anything will find someone offended, and when offended they believe they have a right to attack and destroy.


Saves on a paint job and holds the car together.


I say brother, first of all thank you for your service. Also you have the right and you earned it. I have 4 cousins who joined the Corp. and served. I respect all Vets. Wear your tattoo brother and carry on.


I read this story. I understand the optics of it. But the group that is agitating behind it, is way out of bounds as now they want

“He said the organization and its local Walla Walla clients needed to see the new design, know when he would have the alteration made and witness action taken against those who allowed the tattoo in the first place, specifically the police chief.”

That’s just too dang much. Unless they are paying for the tattoo. It’s none of their effing business what he changes it too, and it’s none of their effing business when he gets it done.

As far as seeing action taken against "those who allowed the tattoo in the first place. That is laughable except some political creature is going to cave just to virtue signal.

Marine Scout Sniper school is a tough school with well over a 50% washout rate.


I pretty much h agree with all that is being said on this. I also never buy company name stuff. Paying for the opportunity it to advertise for someone else doesn’t quite make sense. I do have veterans organization stuff submzri e veterans in particular, that I wear.