Who else feels like “naked” when they are not carrying?


Nehemiah had them do both…
Trusting G-D and working on the wall with trowel in one hand and sword in the other. Requiring them to work and defend !


I don’t always carry at home, but if I go off property, I have a firearm with me, only because you never know…


There will be times at home. I’m sitting in my recliner and will get up to go get something take a step or 2 , realize I don’t have my handgun and turn around to get it.


Definitely feel like that. Hate disarming but will do it as required by law, like at the dr. office where it was posted yesterday. Of course I fear attracting attention while disarming - negative attention, but whatever. I’m always legal so even if someone complains and LE shows, I’ve done nothing wrong…


Our chiropractor is a wonder dude, constitutionalist, last name is Johnson, so we call him big johnson, he is a wonderful fellow. We always carry in his office!!!

AND we also carry in our Dr. office. Again, we talk more about guns than medicine!!!


I feel “under dressed” as well. Some background…we live in the country, and the neighbors around us shoot as well. Almost every night we can hear some of the surrounding natives plinking. Sometimes in the morning, when our county road is busy, and ill go and get my fake newspaper for reading the obituaries, and funnies, I will open carry, tactical belt, along with my blue robe, ball hat…etc., sunglasses to remain inconspicuous. Please note i do have my skivvies on.


I definitely do. A person gets used to the weights and pressures of the things they carry. That goes for wallet, keys, cell phone, etc. Same with a gun. I am fortunate enough to even be able to carry at work, so when I lean back in my office chair, I feel the pressure. As you all probably can relate to, even when you feel it, its not uncomfortable. Same with everything else in your pockets. It does feel strange when I dont have my gun, just like it feels weird when I take my truck in for service and that 30-45 minutes at the dealership waiting room it just feels weird without my truck keys in my pocket.


My family doc told me that, despite the sign on the front door, “We know you and if you ‘forget’ to disarm, don’t worry about it.” He and I see eye to eye on firearms and many other things, which is why my family has been seeing him since around '96… seriously, we even agree on religion and politics, and sometimes have discussions on the same, after the “visit” portion of an appointment. Awesome guy and doctor.

As for the one i mentioned, it was an oral surgeon, I’ll see him 2 more times and be done. But, he IS a USAF retired guy so I’d imagine the sign has to do with the medical people on the other side of the hall.


If I can’t carry somewhere I do feel naked. Even worse, I accidentally let my license expire and I was a month before I got my new one. Really felt naked when I couldn’t carry.


Not naked, but kind of like not having my homework at school. There are some times that I feel funny when I am carrying like when I go into a convenience store, especially when wearing a mask…


Almost had a similar issue, and here I give some advice - get a non-resident permit that’s good in your state. I misplaced my Ohio license a few years back but my non-resident Fl permit covered me till I found it…
Just get them a year apart so they dont expire simultaneously…


I’m sure you’re trusting in the Lord at all times…even when you’re carrying. I think next time I go in a place where I can’t carry, I’ll pray about that situation… :+1:


Even when I am naked, a firearm is always nearby…


Yes…I feel naked when I don’t carry…but what worries me now is…I’m so use to carrying now…that there’s been 2 or 3 times I got to work and almost forgot to disarm. That ain’t good when you’re a truck driver… :open_mouth:


I’m carrying right now in my truck.


Even at home in a pair of shorts, i carry a Ruger lcp 2, .380. hate that feeling! The place I feel most naked is when I have to go into the post office!
Like the pic of the shower holster, I have earth magnets under the sink with a loaded firearm.


It’s like the old American Express card commercial, don’t leave home without it.


The question is who carries while naked…


When I returned to carrying last year part of my ramp-up was to carry at home. At first I thought of that as nothing more than training myself to become accustomed to the physical aspects of having a firearm “attached” to me, and that it would be unnecessary once I was carrying regularly. But instead I just kept carrying inside after I was carrying outside the home. Now if I’m dressed I’m carrying (except where I legally can’t of course), because it just feels wrong when I’m not. I’m working up to trying a new smaller carry gun and just yesterday hit the “put on its holster and carry it around the house” for several hours test. While on the couch I didn’t feel it poke me as its bigger brother sometimes does, and had a “&*$# where’s my gun” moment. So yes, you could say I feel naked without it.


I have…at home. My habit after getting in from work is to get my clothes off. Once I do that I grab my belly band and arm myself. I live alone, so I do carry sometimes around the house without a stitch on. After I cool off I throw on the gym shorts I keep by my bed…:grin: