What's happening in California

Totally false. California does not track the ammo you buy against what you have already registered. There are many many rumors flying around like that one.

BUT, this is important.

While attending a CCW course in Kalifornia I learned that that state of California is now visiting nearby (but outside Calif) gun shops like the Cabellas near Reno. They have agents scanning California license plates. They forward the data to their Agricultural Inspection Station on I80 and when you cross back into Calif they give you a very close scrutiny.

Tip: go to Reno. Take an Uber to Cabellas, and buy all you want, and then go back to a Kalifornia in your POV.

I sell ammo at our range. We can forego the DOJ fee and check by just being sure that the Almo was all consumed on the premises. There are ways to work around such an oppressive system.

You needed to keep reading and see I clarified and updated per the quote below, As you pointed out there was a lot of misinformation being put out initially.

Somewhere I believe I did mention about the CA DOJ agents pulling busts out if state as well on another post.

I do try to make sure I pass along solid information. You also realize this was from last year, yet I do appreciate the effort on the assist.

I caught your correction but it’s always worth repeating. That’s a rumor that has been around the block several times. It’s unfortunate we have to deal with Sacramento where legislators don’t know the difference between a clip and a magazine, and semi-auto from auto–too much time watching the Hollywood version of firearms and really think they work that way.