What Makes Holster “Safe”?

Be careful with this button. Nothing wrong with such holster, but in stressful situation you may accidentally pull the trigger during drawing.

As they say: “if you do it wrong, it may be dangerous”.

There are holsters with safer retention than SERPA.
Look for thumb button, which seems to be equivalent, but there is no danger from it.


Ok, I appreciate your help and I’ll keep it in mind if I go for a different holster. Like I said, I’m new to the CC world and appreciate any input.


I decided to order the Crossbreed OWB. It does not have a retention system, BUT the fire arm is directly against my body. I plan on using it for conceal carry so someone would have to lift my jacket and shirt to option then weapon.

It does have a retention adjustment. The process is just different than a screw (requires blow drier). So the gun will not be falling out.

It covers the trigger guard adequately.

I have a good gun belt to keep OWB secure.

I also got a carry fanny pack. I’m not too excited about the lack of Jude, but I think I am going to buy an ulti clip to put on a holster that can clip into the elastic of the fanny pack.

I’ll post pictures of the holster when I get it.