What happens to your firearms when you pass?

My kids get to sell all my weapons and my guitars and my trumpets and my harmonicas and make lots of money.
They’ll keep what they like.
My 300 Wby Mag gets buried or toasted with me…not really. Maybe my gold cup lol.


I had never put any thought into that. I WILL definitely do that now. Thanks


I need to update the documents of my Trust, add the items I’ve acquired since first drawing it up. Time to also update the trusts’ executor nominee and primary beneficiary; she passed this May and well, they say if you live long enough that happens more often. The worst part of all of it is you wish they all go where wanted/appreciated, but you realize you won’t give an iota after you’ve gone so… (As long as it’s not all to sweeten the governments; coffers or enrich too many lawyers billing by the hour!)

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My guns will go to my son.

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Mine are to be divided among my brother, his kids, and my two best friends.

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The hubby, my granddaughter, probably some long guns to my hubby’s youngest son.

I don’t want to die. I love life so much. Not thinking about it now.

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I’m sure there are a number of people here who could help you with some ideas for who would appreciate your firearms after you pass, @JAMIE . :wink:

Having a plan is a good idea. Putting it in writing could help with any legal issues for your family.

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including probate issues, and in some states, legal transfer.


Anyone with appropriate legal document drafting background know if firearms should be added to personal possessions section of a living trust, or added as an addendum? Kindly share Thank you.

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In Kentucky, unless they are FFA items, my recommendation is to bequeath them in your will. They will pass as any other personal property.

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That’s what I’ve done, to the wife first, then to my Son.

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Everything goes to my wife. She would see that my son got the guns.

My wife’s and my wills leave everything to the other first, and then to our daughter.

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Some will be sold and others will go to people who I believe will enjoy, care for, and not sell them.

On the flip side, my dad was ready to part with his a few years ago. I opted for the ones with sentimental value and he sent the others to my sibling.

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My stepson gets all my habdguns & my wife gets mt Glock 46 ( she learbed to shoot with it) & a S&S bodyhuard, her EDC

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