
Slightly different topic:

Do any of you have firearms that you will not fire, or will fire only rarely, due to their age, monetary value, sentimental value, etc? Do you have any in your collection that you’d be proud to share with us?

Just curious. We talk about our EDCs a lot, but I’d bet that some of us have some nice firearms that deserve some appreciation on here.


I have little to no need to shoot my dad’s old .22 from when he was a kid or my grandfathers hunting shotgun, but I will once in a while. I don’t collect firearms. Anything I buy I buy to shoot, whatever the frequency.

My dad bought things to keep them perfect, then the next person enjoyed them. I’m going the other way with cars, bikes, firearms, rice noodles… We’re here only once, so enjoy the things you enjoy.


My Grandfather gave me two rifles. One is an iron muzzleloader. Maybe weighs 20 pounds or so. Haven’t actually weighed it but it is heavy. Over and under with two hammers and a hair trigger. There is a set up trigger and then the hair trigger. Pretty interesting but I have never shot it. My grandfaterh mentioned that the last time he shot it, he ended up with powder burns in the face.

The second gun is a breachloader. Something like what Custer had where you have to load one cartridge at a time. My grandfather mentioned that the casings can get stuck in there and you have to put a stick down the barrel to dislodge the casing. He told me a lot of tall tales so not always sure if he was pulling my leg or not.


I have my grandfather’s .22/.410 over/under. The stock is cracked, so I won’t attempt to shoot it. It’s waiting for me to get off my duff and hang it on the wall.


I too have my dad’s 22. but i shoot it. The other precious ones i have were given to me with the stipulation that i shoot them :slightly_smiling_face: But i do have one, a Manlicker stalk 10/22 that i have never shot. I guess a guy ought to have one that is NIB, just to fill that niche too.

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stalk? … stock, sorry – punning too much catches up with you!

I’m a little jealous, both at those rifles the heritage.

Have you ever been able to fire either rifle, just to feel what your grandfather felt?

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I have a Stevens Arms and Tool Co. Model 235. It’s not worth much, but it was my great grandpa’s. I still used it until last year for doves and quail. After it gets back from getting new firing pins made, I’ll probably retire it.

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My dad has a late 70 era Colt Police Positive. It will be mine, hopefully later than sooner. Dad bought it for Grampa, then Dad has it now. It has never been fired.


@Ouade5 - No, I have never fired either of these. Not sure what caliber the rifle is. Very little markings on either one of them. I am sure they would both work or atleast if a good gunsmith looked them over, but I just have them on the wall and look at them. Helps remind me of my grandfather.

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A few,
1895- model 95 lever-action Winchester 30-30 - good condition
1910 -300 Model 10 Savage - Good shooting condition
1917 - 30.06 Winchester - excellent condition
1918 - 7x57 Spanish Mauser - Good shooting condition
1909 - 12 gauge shotgun Ivor Johnsons Arms and cycle works champion- Questionable condition but fixable.

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I will have to admit that the vast majority of my guns are collectable. My intention was to build a collection of US Military firearms (or civilian own able representative pieces) carried by troops from 1898 - today. Other than shotguns, SMG’s and other NFA stuff I am missing 4 rifles. In the mean time I have been filling out my Axis, Allies and COMBLOCK collections. Nothing $30K and a new safe won’t fix :crazy_face:




Let us know when your personal museum is open to the public!


One elected Democrat too many and SOME museum will get one he!! of a collection or there will be a massive boating accident.

