since the Citizen on scene is the ‘real’ first responder it is incumbent on them to do what needs to be done to protect their own self and family. The coppers will show up whenever………………
More mindless nonsense from the Left. “An armed society is a polite society.” “Your Rights end where my nose begins.” Anyone with an ounce of Common Sense understands the basic truths, deterrence, self-defense motivations and self-limiting behavioral mindset behind those statements . . . but not the woke Left. If we want to continue to destroy freedom in this country as we have been doing for the last two generations, we should keep sending our children and grand children to public schools where Wokism is taught instead of Critical Thinking, ,. . . which when repeatedly used in the decision making process results in Common Sense!
We are not the ones destroying this country.
Its powerful people with financial abilities which have a different plan of some sort.
They create the winner’s and assure the losers, they weaponize the voting process and the judicial system. We the people can only watch and decide how or when enough is enough.
I am hopeful the civilized method in maintaining a law abiding constitutionally guided society as was once the feared and respected USA will prevail before to long.
You and I are of the same mindset where our wishes and desires for our nation’s future are concerned, but the cornerstone of the unique type of freedoms we here in America enjoy under our “self-government” model can be found in the phrase “Acceptance of Personal Responsibility”. Without that principle being generally accepted, someone (something) has to be responsible for human-caused problems in order to compensate those injured and to restore them to the extent possible, and without the acceptance of personal responsibility government steps in, expanding its influence, growing its agencies and becoming more powerful. Even insurance has limits of liability for which we pay for protection against certain named perils, Acts of God and others where negligence on our part may not be covered.
Conservatives are traditionally and by inherent mindset more likely NOT to make waves where societal changes are occurring, acquiescing to vocal leaders with higher education who profess to know what is best. The problem always ends up being that, when the new methods of teaching, discipline and changes in general administration standards fail (often producing worse results than the “problem” they were designed to fix), there is never a reversion to the OLD methods that were replaced. New, often more nonsensical “solutions” are proposed and we are led farther down the path to societal destruction - which has been the goal all along!
So, in effect, WE ARE the ones destroying this country by our acquiescence and our refusal to hold those in charge accountable for their actions. WE the people are the true power in this country, but we have been too comfortable in our freedom, allowing changes to undermine the foundations of a culture that worked for almost 200 years before the insidious changes implemented by Marxist philosophy began eroding them - intentionally! It is never the undescribed “they” who are the problem. It is “we” who have failed to stand up for what is right and now refuse to accept responsibility for sleeping through the changes! It’s always easier to blame others.
An often overlooked and thus little known fact bolstering this argument is also found in the Appellate Court decision in Warren v District of Columbia – 444 A 2d, 1 (DC Appl., 1981). You really need to look this up and read the horrific details that were the basis for these 4 women suing the Washington, DC police department, in order to comprehend the powerful nature of the principle upon which this decision was based, and to fully understand how government has been misleading us about the true role of Law Enforcement in our lives.
We’ve all seen the saying “To protect and to Serve” emblazoned on the doors of squad cars, either in our home towns or elsewhere and believed government when we were told that we didn’t need guns; the police were there to protect us. We have also seen the results of mass shootings, and have come to realize that a sign depicting a gun surrounded by a red circle with a slash through it denoting “Gun Free Zones” is wholly inadequate to defend the lives of the innocent against the evil acts of mad men.
The decision in Warren reflected identical decisions at many inferior court levels throughout the nation. It said that it is “. . . a fundamental principle of American law” that no federal, state or local jurisdiction, nor any subdivision thereof, can be found liable for failure to provide government services (police protection, fire protection, etc.) to any individual – only to society as a whole. The fundamental (foundational) principle that each individual is responsible to provide “his/her own first line of defense against crime, with the Police providing only an auxiliary general deterrent, is inherent in a free society.”
So in a very real sense, it has ALWAYS been up to us! We were just misinformed so that government could grab jurisdiction while avoiding responsibility!
Do we realize now, that for the SECOND TIME in a single “presidency” we’ve had to be scared for our lives! Our families our neighbors and friends.
First it was the infamous “peaceful protest” that burnt down cities tore down statues, demolishing a peaceful society!
Now it’s a murderous jihadi intifada on f##king AMERICAN SOIL, WTF, is there no line? Have the Nazis risen from the dead?
At this point in time we are surrounded by our enemies from around the world that have been lead here and invited here by our own administration! Need I say that again?
For lack of a better phrase, “there are zips in the wire”!
Should I even ask about an October surprise?
I think we’ve had enough surprises for one generation!
This old senile angry old fu#king pedophile, not only brought down one nation but many! Do not consider him a conqueror, make no mistake, this MFr is a serial killer, just like Bundy, Gacy, Manson, he is the simpleminded Hitler of our time! He doesn’t know it, nor will he remember it. But I for one, will.
If I understand correctly, books won’t have to be written, the lies that say he was the greatest presidency will be doused by the truth that is forever online or in the cloud! One day, like the bones of dinosaurs, this MFrs legacy will be revealed! He should suffer the hom dai, and cursed so severe, that God himself will set upon the earth, hopefully, more than the ten plagues!
If threatened of my or others immediate safety, I WILL DEFEND.
If threatened of my right to self preservation, the previous doth IMMEDIATELY APPLY in any regard.