Wasp spray instead of pepper spray?

So I was on Facebook and saw someone post to use WASP/HORNET spray against an attacker… The case was that is shoots 21 feet and will blind someone until they get medical assistance or eyes flushed etc. Has anyone else heard of this ? Or what are your thoughts on using it?

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Lots of pros and cons, if that is the closest self defense tool available, I would spray the whole can on some pest! pepper spray burn the eyes…I haven’t tried wasp spray, but sure works on the darn pests!!!

Good point for a topic!!!


This topic comes up around this time of year - we’ve got a great thread going about it here: Wasp spray for self-defense?

Be sure to let us know if you have any other questions about it, @J.WoodSr! Glad to have you here!!


Won’t stop people, probably just annoy them more. So it would never be my first choice, but if it’s the only thing available … fire away!


Thsnk you ill check it out. I just saw it on facebook and was like what?

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I wouldn’t use it except in a pinch. O/C spray is tested and we know what it does to people. Except in very rare cases, someone exposed to O/C will recover relatively quickly and have no lasting side effects.

If you purposely spray someone with an untested or unapproved chemical, that opens the door to unknown injuries and liability. You’re using a product in a manner for which it is not intended.


Wasp spray is a neurotoxin it’s side effects run the gambit from cognitive impairment to neurological damage if I had a choice and I don’t want either sprayed on me but if it’s going to be one hit me with oc I’m just saying you get messed up! But you don’t die from it


I would personally suggest that a good bear spray would be the best for self-defense. If anything comes of using wasp spray it might backfire on you. Attended use is a factor might be used by the legal system.


OC is designed for the purpose.
Wasp spray is not, and would likely get you arrested for malicious wounding if you used it as your planned product, or at least open you up for a huge civil suit.
If it’s what is available in an emergency, then you could make the case for it’s use. But as a first and planned choice: absolutely not.


Ive done some more research after posting and everybody is correct here! It dosent even seem effective at all really! SO DONT USE WASP SPRAY ETC!