Well, I just got home not to long ago from my own personal Disney World. I visited the USCCA office today for a tour and as soon as I saw the building I was in awe. Out was about 10 hours driving round trip, an about an hour and a half visit, a little less than 600 miles total.
I got to briefly meet Tim and a lot of the call center people. I gave Tim and the call center reps gifts I have made, inert bullets in .45 acp and .308 with engravings. Everyone seemed to love my gifts including Tim, I just wish I had made more of them. Everyone was SO NICE and acted like a family and treated me the same.
For the trip and gifts I made for them, I got these…
If you haven’t gotten a tour, I would HIGHLY recommend one. The feeling of being in a family like this one and meeting the people we talk to on the phone a lot is amazing.
@Brian_J That was really thoughtful of you to hand out some great gifts. I have never been there but I do call a lot at 4am if I can’t sleep. I may even ask a question.
I’m in one of the glass offices on the second floor. I don’t usually interact too much with tours, but I remember seeing a group walk by early afternoon. Oh well, you got to meet Tim - he’s much more of a character than I am. It’s like seeing Mickey Mouse on Main Street in Disney World.
Please don’t tell Tim I compared him to Mickey Mouse…
@Dawn YOU young lady are a character in a class all by yourself!
Dawn gave my son and I a tour of HQ when we showed up there just to meet her (when the community was just getting started). It is a fantastic place and so are all the people who work there.
Everyone has a bad day now and then but from what I saw you would have to look long and hard to find that person in that building on any given day.
Totally agree, I didn’t see one single person annoyed or troubled. EVERYONE I met was so glad to meet me and I had more than a couple of conversations with the staff. And the way Tim takes care of everyone there is VERY amazing, from the gym to the cafe and the work stations. That place is more than I have EVER seen in a business.
Then… if they ever call, just send them my way. I’m not too proud. I can be bought. I have done crazy stupid crap in my life… might as well start getting paid for it.