Virginia may be ground zero!


As always, you gave me more incite on that bill.
Your experience and knowledge is not taken for granted on this form, sir & we appreciate you.


@Zavier_D I would suggest using a free radio app and tune in on WRVA 1140 AM/96.1 FM. I also found an interesting service yesterday called Broadcastify. Just ordered a inexpensive BaoFeng BF-F8HP and was researching how to set it up for scan. Looking at getting a HAM license and thought this might be a good start. If I run across anyone providing a live feed will get the message out.


Y’all in Virginia have been and will especially tomorrow be in my prayers.


@anon25963094 for some reason MikeBKYs post reminded me of you… :smiley:


Are you a Scot? My hubby’s kilt is blackwatch.

Those sound like they may be needed. Hopefully not.

We’re holding you in our prayers.


I got the Marking CS (Non-Gel), Squirter Water Bottle in Pink (only thing they had), Beauty Wipes (need all the help I can get) and Micro Fibre Towels.

Caught an earful when I got home. Not going to use a towel I clean the car with, yeah water helps with CS and I would rather spray CS on someone kicking the merde (pardon the French) out me than to plug some agitator in the brisket. Neutrogena Makeup Remover is for girls…thought it might calm burning skin.

One thing I noticed in a photo of the capital grounds was the stinger tower set up “to handle additional cell traffic”. Why I’m shutting my cellphone off and putting it in a RF Shielded case for the duration. I’m yacking about this because these events are coming to your capitals soon…


@Zee I will probably be marked as part of the Black Watch Militia because I have paramilitary tartan colors on :crazy_face: :rofl: :joy:


@Zee I’m an Heinz 57. My lineage probably includes horse thieves from Scotland. I just like the history of the Black Watch. I’m not going to bring extra underwear, depends or tampons. (They all make good extemporaneous bandages). I probably would look good in a kilt and ruby slippers… no I will be wearing OD Gortex and Carharts. Appreciate the prayers -the effective, fervent prayers of a righteous man (person) availeth much.


Elimination of preemption SB35 would be the absolute worst! To have cities or counties with varying laws, like IL and CA, are traps for anyone with a firearm.


@MikeBKY I’ve seen it in action. We got state preemption in Missouri 4?5? years ago… it was a HUGE advantage on the way to the constitutional carry we have now. Now we just have to hang on to it.


This we should definitely have pictures of :grin:


@ Zee Now those ruby slippers aren’t real tactic-cool or paractical (unless they work as advertised).


Kentucky’s preemption statute dates back to 1984 but was expanded greatly in 2012.


Interesting interaction between a gentleman from Virginia who is planning to attend the rally on Monday and two officers, one from the Capitol police, one from the state police homicide division. Apparently he went to the Capitol grounds to learn what he should expect situationally and assess the layout. And Saturday morning the police showed up on his doorstep, 100 miles away, to talk with him about it.

Video of the interaction here:


And a LEO’s observation on the interaction.


The gentleman is correct. We are moving closer to a socialist police state. Let’s hope it ends Monday in Virginia. As a former teacher I would consider Monday to be a teachable moment for tyrants. God bless this gentleman and America.


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Quick notes on Lobby Day:

  • Check any parking reservations you have - we’ve had reports of some garages deciding to close on Monday.
  • We want Lobby Day to be peaceful. However, if you see any one either being violent or threatening, find a police officer immediately (there will be a lot of them) and let them nip it in the bud.
  • Be sure to bring one or two bottles of water to prevent dehydration. You’ll be standing in cold, dry air for several hours.
  • The Governor modified his executive order on the state of emergency to make it a Class 1 misdemeanor if someone violates the “no weapons” on the Capitol grounds. Only significant if someone were to slip a weapon by security, I would guess.
  • The rally and Lobby Day will both officially end at 12 noon. WRVA will be live-streaming the rally live and the John Fredericks show should be covering Lobby Day all day.

Agreed, or “it’s a rally by a bunch of white supremacists/racists” as cited in an online NBC news article today about “residents being fearful of another Charlottesville with all of the white supremacists and racists descending on the capital Monday.” (that was literally the headline).

This is going to be a long long road… :frowning:


And to everyone. Advice from the great statesman Aaron Rodgers…