Virginia may be ground zero!

Thank you very much for posting this story. This is, on its face, very good news for Virginia. If the small NRA event got to them, they will be much more alert after the VCDL rally on the 20th. I wonder if this news will de-fang the attendance on the 20th?


You may be right about them sacrificing SB-16. I hope VA residents show up on the 20th as well and keep the pressure on. Right now it looks like the old “Two steps forward one step back”, the public attention is on the anti-2A politicians now and they need to keep after them.


You may be right, @Virgil_H. Maybe they think it will take the urgency away from the protests?


@Dawn. He can’t Dawn he told me he is only there as an advance person to clear the venue today he is detailed back to Chicago tomorrow. The bomb dogs are there. Before the arrival of the President. He will not be there tomorrow night just today. He said that the Democrat Convention is coming over there to Milwaukee to Fiserv something or other. But he says he’s just a little guy in the organization.


This sounds like it is playing out just like fish regulations- first they throw something ridiculous out there and after the public reacts against it they back off to what they planned from the beginning. The public sighs relief, and the administration knows they won because public outcry would have backed them down with less than where they got.

Once a right is given up, it is rare and a great struggle to get it back. I pray good people will cast their votes and when they win, remember they have to vote next time, and the time after that, and you know where I’m going.


SB16 did not make it pass committee because HB961 is in the queue and has bigger hooks. Apparently the “Bloomberg Mothers” got to move to the head of the line this morning to gain access to the Gun “Safety” Committee meeting. “Equal” representation for “constituents”. 2A Folks were 1st in line
been waiting for awhile and they shuffled the “BMs” past them to make sure they got seats. Some animals are “more equal” than others. Maybe because they care harder and deserve to see legislatures doing their masters bidding.

For anyone attending the MLK Day VCDL Rally, you might want to take a look at this (not for delicate ears): Is Lobby Day in Virginia on January 20th a Trap? ~ Rex Reviews (Rated R) Rex got a few things wrong and is definitely agitated but the two part trap makes sense. Like not showing up because your scared there may be hooligans


lots of details here 

After folks cleared the long security line, they were then told that Democrats were requiring an equal number of supporters and opponents of the gun bills to be seated in the committee room, despite the fact that those opposed to the bills far outnumbered gun control supporters.

Once the hearing got underway, Sen. Judiciary chair John Edwards (no relation) was asked by Republican state senator Mark Obenshain why a number of gun bills were going to be voted on, given that Edwards had told GOP members that the gun bills wouldn’t be heard this morning due to the absence of GOP state senator Bill Stanley

SB 16, Sen. Dick Saslaw’s sweeping gun, magazine, and suppressor ban, was struck from the record, which means there will be no further action on the bill. Instead, Democrats will focus their efforts on HB 961, a slightly modified version of Saslaw’s legislation that “allows” gun owners to maintain possession of their banned firearms if they register them with the Virginia State Police.

The next stop for all of these bills is the floor of the state Senate, and I’d expect Senate Majority Leader Dick Saslaw to call for votes as soon as he can. Virginia Democrats are obviously hoping to ram through as much of their anti-gun agenda as they can before Lobby Day brings tens of thousands of gun owners to the capitol on January 20th.


So, no good news after all. Great. I knew it could not possibly be that easy. But for a moment, I kind of did.


And because it isn’t insane enough already, there’s this

Enters Virginia into an interstate compact known as the Agreement Among the States to Elect the President by National Popular Vote. Article II of the Constitution of the United States gives the states exclusive and plenary authority to decide the manner of awarding their electoral votes. Under the compact, Virginia agrees to award its electoral votes to the presidential ticket that receives the most popular votes in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. The compact goes into effect when states cumulatively possessing a majority of the electoral votes have joined the compact.

:scream: “no, we don’t really need to vote
 we’ll just go with whatever all y’all decide.”


Liberty Doll
 with a great explanation of the laws that are through committee in Virginia:


Looks like I fell for a MSM trick, the news story I read had nothing in it about the house bill. Lets hope the info about the house bill gets out out there.


Thank you, I wasn’t aware of this. Terrible, look what happens when the Dems are in control.


Yup - they’ll be at the Fiserv Forum
 I’ll be avoiding downtown that entire time, too many people for me.


Not at all Greg. Thank you for putting it out for us. Still an important data point in our intel mosiac.


Banning guns from a gun rights rally


They dropped one of two twin bills
 the one they kept is as bad as the one they dropped. Its accurate, but meaningless.


And this right here is why I do NOT trust politicians. I am sure his personal security detail will be exempt from the ban now won’t they.


West Virginia to Virginia sanctuary counties: secede and we’ll take you!

On Tuesday, a resolution was introduced by West Virginia (House Concurrent Resolution 8, or HCR 8), offering the Second Amendment sanctuary counties of Virginia to secede and join their State.
West Virginia became a state during the Civil War in 1863 after seceding from the Confederate State of Virginia. The population was divided over the issues surrounding the war, and people of what is now West Virginia felt their interests were neglected, that they were underrepresented in the state government, and that they were carrying the majority of the burden of taxation. So, they became their own entity.

Maybe they’ll do the same trick again.

HCR 8 reads, “In a spirit of conciliation, the Legislature of West Virginia hereby extends an invitation to our fellow Virginians who wish to do so, to join us in our noble experiment of 156 years of separation from the government at Richmond; and, we extend an invitation to any constituent county or city of the Commonwealth of Virginia to be admitted to the body politic of the State of West Virginia
and we hereby covenant that their many grievances shall be addressed, and, we further covenant with them that their firearms rights shall be protected to the fullest extent possible under our Federal and State Constitutions.”

West Virginia just became my new hero.


And then theres this,: