He he goes again. Disrespecting veterans…
Holy smokes! Trump didn’t deify a veteran, get out the rope, we’re gonna have a hangin party!
Well, while I understand his remarks were not likely meant to have belittled ANY Congressional Medal of Honor recipients, and I also understand that he was likely trying to make the winner of the civilian medal feel very much honored, he shouldn’t have made such remarks. THAT BEING SAID: Concerning President Trump, I would not blow his poorly worded, well-intentioned but stupid comments out of proportion! WE ALL KNOW, BEYOND ANY MEASURE OF DOUBT, I HOPE, THAT PRESIDENT TRUMP WOULD NOT INTENTIONALLY DESECRATE, INSULT OR OTHERWISE BELITTLE ANY HONORABLE MILITARY MEMBER OR VETERAN!
Now then, insofar as my respect for the VFW goes: Their response was over-the-top stupid and inflammatory. I would not be at all surprised if some of the VFW leadership are democrat! This should have been handled with a personal approaching of President Trump and then watching how HE addressed the situation!
Even a dog doesn’t bite the hand of a master … and Trump may well hold the purse-strings in the future and this could harm the organization a bit. I doubt President Trump is that petty though; he will undoubtedly make his own comments at a rally or something because I ASSURE YOU, HE FEELS BAD ENOUGH OVER THIS!
One Disabled American Veteran’s opinion; user mileage may vary. Be safe out there!
Idiots abound…
Pssst… If the shoe fits.
Dude, wake the f’ up… https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/4235005-john-kelly-confirms-trumps-suckers-remark-about-war-dead/
Watch your mouth, you little punk who’s never done anything to speak of. Easy to tell which side you’re on.
He’s a $#!+ stirrer paid for his posts.
His fake news link was proven wrong long ago.
Ignore him/her/their/its/toasters posts.
I agree.
As a life member of the VFW, and a marine combat veteran.
Sometimes President Trump is a little less than eloquent in his speech.
That being said…
VFW is a huge organization, and like so many organizations of that size, the leadership does not always represent the views of the members.
THAT was uncalled for and rude Troll. There’s no need for that here.
You post a long ago proven fictional article and people responded. No need to
show your colors to everybody we already know who’s side your on and
who pays your bills.
As my Mama always said If you don’t have anything nice to say STFU (Good Advice Sir)
Perhaps it is all just good intentions with poor wording but this is not the first time Trump has denigrated veterans. He has made similar comments in the past including his dig against POWs while attempting to score political points against McCain.
In the video, he is stating that the medal is better because usually the recipent isn’t receiving the medal post-humously or after being horrifically injured. He did not state that the medal is a higher honor, only that it’s better to be alive and healthy. Maybe listening to what he said, not what they say he stated, as the rebuke was not taking what he said in the intent it was stated.
“That’s the highest award you can get as a civilian. It’s the equivalent of the congressional Medal of Honor, but civilian version,” Trump told attendees.
What is interesting is trying to find a video of the speech is difficult. You would think that if what he really said was so terrible, those “news” sites reporting on it would include the video to show how bad it was. Except when you watch it, it is not bad at all. He was commending highly all military members and honoring those that died.
From the Hill News:
It’s actually much better, because everyone who gets the congressional Medal of Honor, that’s soldiers, they’re either in very bad shape because they’ve been hit so many times by bullets, or they’re dead. She gets it, and she’s a healthy, beautiful woman,” Trump said with a chuckle, eliciting applause from the crowd.
I’m not sure as to what Mr Trump meant by his remarks. I’m considered to be somewhat an intelligent person,(being a Marine Corps veteran), hopefully Mr Trump will qualify his remarks at a later date. I am neither a hardcore Democrat or a Republican soi don’t automatically fall in line with political ideology. Let’s allow Mr Trump his stupid remarks that all politicians tend to say, after all what does Mr Trump know about the rarified air that all CMH recipients breath. Although he has been and probably will be our Commander in Chief again he is only a politician.
Seems obvious. Medal of Honor recipients have either (generally) been grievously injured or are dead - they have paid an/the extreme price for that Medal. Medal of Freedom recipients are, for the most part, alive and well.
Welcome @Michael1978 !
Did you watch the video I posted? It seemed quite clear to me, but then I don’t eat crayons. A relative of mine said the purple ones were the best.
@Michael1978 Welcome to the community!
No… No… He is a Businessman. A successful Businessman!
A Businessman who went into politics because he saw his Country being destroyed. No one… No one else, could stick to his vision (through all the persecution he has been subjected to) if he were “just a politician”.
I hear you! He’s disappointed me numerous times, as well. I know he loves the military, police, fire, ambulance, etc. but he sometimes runs off at the mouth. BUT … so do I, sometimes. I looked all over for a way to delete one of my comebacks to the guy who used the F word at me … but I couldn’t find a way, lol. So who am I to judge? Sorry.
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