An OPEN LETTER to New Mexico Democrats (and the US .GOV) from AN American Patriot (My Sister)

To the Lousy and Nasty Democrats

I just read on the Internet that the flag will remain at half-staff in President Carter’s “memory” for 30 days after his death, which coincidentally remains through the inauguration celebration of our new President, Donald J Trump. Since this is a new “mandate” by the crappy Democrat non-government of sleepy Joe Biden, suggested by his crappy and jealous staff, it has to be seen as nothing but childish stamping of feet to overlay the progression of government with the new President elected by the people. President Carter would NOT have wished this action as he was a staunch American and would have seen this as an insult to the entire system.

The Democrats seem to think they can do anything they want to disparage the newly elected President, ignore the wishes of the people, and still treat Americans who expressed a wish for change as nothing but a simple-minded populace.

It’s insulting for the Democrats to think they can pull this kind of garbage when we should be fully celebrating a new President, who is presenting positive change for the country. We have endured 4 years of awful governance: higher taxes, inflation, lies from “leaders”, criminal activity by various agencies, lies from the media, tolerance of corruption up to the White House with Joe Biden and Hunter Biden obviously being criminals “running” the country. We have endured 4 years of watching this great country be torn apart by our Democrat “leaders” who should all be thrown out of office.

I was a Democrat many years ago and disliked the direction of the party. I registered as an Independent just so I’d have a choice, but I am a staunch supporter of the new Republican government coming in now. I think it’s disgusting how the Democrats have tried to ruin the country and this state. I dislike living in a blue state, and I hope that changes in the very near future. We tried our best with this election to make a change. We got close.

It’s embarrassing to watch the antics and evil intent of the Democrats trying to destroy everything that is good in this country – little of which is left now after 4 terrible years of the Biden administration. It’s embarrassing to hear the lies of the media and the loudmouth naysayers denigrate the good ideas that are being put forth by the upcoming Republican leadship. It’s like the Democrats have lost their minds. All they want is for people to shut up and follow their poor leadership.

During the run-up to the election, a family member was outside the house (where we fly an AMERICAN flag), and a Democrat woman and her husband approached him. She asked “what gives you the right to fly THAT flag”? He said, “who are you?” She identified herself as a Democratic pollster, and asked what political affiliation he was. He replied, “what gives you the right to question me”, and said that he was flying the AMERICAN flag because he is an AMERICAN and a proud patriot of the country. This is a perfect example that Democrats are no longer for the country, the people, or the republic for which the flag stands. It’s disgraceful and your Democratic animosity and antics are not appreciated nor welcome from a growing majority of the AMERICAN people.

It’s anti-American to keep the flag flying at half staff during an inauguration that should be celebrating the process of election by the people to the new administration. It’s a gross insult and makes us all very angry that the current idiots in “power” think they have the right to denigrate Americans who have made their choice by due process. You Democrats have gone too far and you should all be ousted from government. You have no right to represent the people as you all obviously have your own agenda for bringing down the United States of AMERICA.

Factor in the ridiculousness of Pudding Pants ‘Awarding’ the Vaunted ‘Medal of Freedom’ to ‘Killery’ Clinton and the NAZI George Soros among others the backlash has already started

Outrage as Biden set to award Hillary Clinton, George Soros with Presidential Medal of Freedom




I will stand next to you, amen brother. I lived in New Mexico, while station at Kirtland AFB, instructed security forces and special teams. It was great back then, sort of sht hole now.


God bless America amen.
When we have the compassion to ask the questions we don’t know the answer to America will be great again.


Why is he the only one with this name … Oh yeah the orange guy called him that… Mean while he slept during his trial…
Deflection redirecting blame or focus away from oneself to avoid criticism or uncomfortable emotions.

Bottom line we have a minimum age to be president … We should also have a maximum age … So we do not have to end up with these puppets at the end of there lives…

I find this rich that you believe this is Limited to just the Demoncrate … Let’s talk about the appointments to the supreme court … I would love to hear how you Bullexcrement your way out of this one … How they postponed the appointment for 6 month when a dem was in. Then rushed one through in the last month of a Republican …
Before you A holes call me a Dem again GROW UP … Stop drinking the Kool-aid and think for yourself…
This Crap goes on… On both sides… You might just want to indulge in educating yourself for once and stop sucking on the party Mammary Gland…

I could not agree with you more …
Sadly i do not see either party as being American … They have both lost their way…

Again i agree this goes for both parties…

You have to be kidding … Right … So marching on the capital to stop the other guy from getting appointed was ok… Trump never conceited … Other than being Conceited … So this is not shameful …
Neither one of these worthless Old FOOKS represent me… I do not engage in any of the behavior these TWO have committed … Before you give me the better of two evils … Wrong answer evil is evil … Do better . We have better people in this country… If you really want To make America Great stop settling…


Have a FANTASTIC DAY BROTHER. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :us: :rofl: :us: :rofl: :us: :rofl:



Our local communist Ted would say, PUTIN would be a better candidate! That troll is infatuated with anti American rhetoric.

So there is definitely more than two evils to choose from, but by his perspective, it’s not evil, it’s right!


The fun part ‘bout our friend ‘GC’ is he’s soooooooooooo entertaining!
Him, Teddy Bear, JimmyL, and a few others here ‘Keep da conversation LIVELY!’
Notice how I didn’t even get perturbed he was a knockin’ My Beloved Sisters Thoughts and Verbiage?
(I can call him ‘GC’ because we bee’s Brutha’s! )

IF anyone can bring a Viable Candidate to the forefront (who is NOT) trying to Destroy America and ENSLAVE US ALL, DISARM US, Destroy Every LAW to PROTECT US, Mandate us with DANGEROUS DRUGS and Medical Buffoonery, Spend us into OBLIVIAN---- I will vote for them hands down.
Unfortunately HE drank the Dreaded Kool-Aid and like OTHERS he refuses to see the BIG PICTURE, He’d rather Insult our PRRESIDENT and our Intelligence and offer ZERO options.


You my friend are paying attention!


Like anyone that is not Blatantly Mentally Defective … I can comprise a list if you like … It would be names of mostly unknowns … For it will not be made up of narcissist … Or people past their prime .

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So can I, at least from my perspective and experience….

But does that make either of our candidates better or worse than the other?

Maybe Don should chime in?

Bobby Jean?

Brad?…. Brad?…. Brad?….


Well said brother.


I refuse to continue a conversation with a person that is blinded by hate and
continues to poke the bear with the same tired arguments without acknowledging
the current status of the .gov he believes hasn’t done the maximum damage
to destroy this great Country and resorts to LIES and DECEPTIONS of the
CORRUPT LEGACY MEDIA that are in the Demoncrats Pockets.
The only way folk’s like him see the light of TRUTH is AFTER the damage is done.
Comedians, Hollywood, Politicians who support a Dementia Patient and Criminals
Lying to WE THE PEOPLE that the Border is Closed!, He does more work in a day… He’s always working… LIES LIES LIES! are now slowly seeing the errors of their ways (and it’s too late for them and him). and then he comes on here and INSULTS the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES that 77 MILLION voted into Office because ‘THE OPTION’ is a Woman who gave Blow Jobs on her way into office! Great candidate selection GC.
OH MY GOD General! Step away from the Bar for God’s Sakes!
Keep listening to Shummer, Carvill, Pelosi, Biden and the Mainstream Media and when WE STRAIGHTEN YOU FOLK’S OUT! you will find all the arguments (that are weak @ best) will seem like the paper tiger your Liar-in-chief’s entire pResidency was.


What you all seem to fail to see … I do not hold either one of these old fools in high regards… They are both just Con Artist …

Well if i read the words you guys write… It sure the fook does …
Look both the Clintons should be Incarcerated for the acts they have committed … Bush should be in court for War Crimes …He invaded a country … Give me a fooking break they were Saudi Nationals not Iraqis… I think Hunter should be in jail For a number of things … Trump in jail for inciting a riot that violates 18 U.S, code section 2101 …
You love to talk about how they are destroying this country … Read Mein Kampf it is the play book … What you need to undermine a democratic society … How it is being done today …

Also, I find it rich that you say I am full of hate. When all you guys do is insult the current guy … ALSO are you slow? I am not sticking up for him. I am asking you to take a look at what you do …
I don’t give a poopy how many people voted for who either or for the last guy that beat him … A bad choice is a BAD choice …


See? Therein lies the problem General (Honorary title obviously)
You don’t support ANYBODY
You only slam what doesn’t fit your Narrative.
You’d rather keyboard your HATE than DO SOMETHING about making it better.
‘Well, I don’t support either one’. FANTASTIC! What DO you support?
Did you even VOTE?
Folk’s like you remind me of the Failed Legacy media
What are they doing right now as they circle the drain?
Nit pick Trumps Political Choices for Office…Great!
And how about Biden’s DEI picks, or any of your own you’d like to see hold office?..CRICKETS!
You’d rather TEAR DOWN EVERYBODY than making A POSITIVE CHANGE to the World----NICE JOB.


I would support guys like Gerald Ford or Theodore Roosevelt… I like Nixon but he failed … Would not support Woodrow Wilson … He sold our country to the 4 rich guys the banks …

You’d rather TEAR DOWN EVERYBODY than making A POSITIVE CHANGE to the World----NICE JOB.
Please get real. I ask for real changes and they start with you … Not you directly

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Like you have a reading comprehension problem.

I asked you for a list of people you consider acceptable candidates…

You answered with this nonsense

My momma used to say,… if you don’t have anything useful to say,… keep your mouth shut!


Crap, you did reply with dead guys for candidates!


You say I am the one with the reading disability … DUDE you have to look no father then your mirror for that one…
Please now in your limited capacity. Come back with. See you are the one that hates’ when once again you start it …
Look I don’t need my mom to tell me what to say. I am not a child … I find you very limited that you can not follow the simplest ideas … Evil is Evil what word do you not understand … IS ? Or is it just the inability to conceptualize and idea that your mommy didn’t give you ?

I figured I would names some you might know … IF you could comprehend my statement before it would be a list of unknowns … What this infers is people like these …

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Your 3 “I would support” are all long physically dead….

And your one “would not” support is also long physically dead!

You’re “killing” the vote!!! :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


:roll_eyes: Someone’s TDS is flaring up.