USCCA Coverage and use of deadly force at in a gun free zone query

I guess this is the best place to post this question…
I am a school bus driver in Georgia. School Board Transportation policy is that drivers cannot carry weapons. No guns, no OC spray, no tasers, nada. I have been fortunate enough in my few years of working there that there has never been an issue, but with times being as they are, I am becoming increasing less comfortable with the idea of being unarmed. So my question is…
Will USCCA cover me if I have to use justified deadly force in a (firearm, OC spray, taser, etc…) in an area where I technically should not have been carrying in the first place (Gun Free Zone or other legally restricted area)?

I hope I am wording that correctly.

Aaron in Atlanta

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I am not on the USCCA Crisis Response Team, nor do I play one on TV. I also did not sleep at a Holiday Inn Express last night.

But I’m pretty sure the answer is going to be Maybe.

Follow the instructions on the back of your membership card call 911, then call the crisis hotline. All cases are evaluated on a case by case by basis.

@Dawn can give you an official response as she knows this site way better than I.


Good question to ask, am waiting on a uscca reply,

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We are only able to provide protection for a lawful self-defense incident, with something you can legally posses at the time of your incident.


So I’m wondering if an employer’s policy not to be armed, means you’re not legally in possesion, for any use of force situation?

I also live in Georgia and the laws on carrying a weapon in a gun free zone are, You cannot be charged for having a gun if you have to defend yourself, But if you are caught carrying a knife or firearm not defending yourself you can be charge with a misdemeanor and lose you job. If you use your weapon while driving the school bus it will be treated as it would anywhere in the state of Georgia.

Hi Dawn,

Am I covered by USCCA if I had to defend my daughter in a hostile situation at her school ? Lets say I have to throw few punches and break someone’s cheek bone by hand then get a civil lawsuit.

Depends on the state and if the signs have the force of the law.

Due to the hypothetical nature of the question, I cannot give you a 100% answer. What I can tell you is that the intent of the USCCA membership is to help our members with their legal defense after they’ve had to physically defend themselves or another innocent party using any legal weapon.

I know that’s not the concrete answer you were hoping for, @7baygia, but every situation is different and will be reviewed on a case by case basis.


Thank you Dawn. For as long as I legally defending myself or my love ones such as wife and children, regardless of the location whether at home or in public, I should be covered by USCCA ?

That’s where the maybe comes in and why each self defense is reviewed individually.

Every situation is reviewed on a case by case basis, @7baygia, I cannot say 100% on any hypothetical situation.

Would this case be covered if the guy were a member? I think it is a misdemeanor in PA

This is right from Delta’s policy…

A. “Act of self-defense” means the act of defending one’s person or others against an unlawful,
unprovoked, and imminent threat of death or serious bodily harm by an aggressor, but only if:

  1. any force used is both reasonable under the circumstances and proportionate to the threat; and


Soooooo. I discover, after years of membership, that I might not be covered in a Gun Free Zone. I am guessing that about 50% of my daily travels take me into or through GFZs. So now I have to wonder just how good is Delta’s protection. if I can’t rely on it to cover me in many of the most dangerous places, why should I have it?

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Hello and welcome @Todd174
Isn’t your vehicle an extension of your home?
I can see an attorney arguing that you were driving through the GFZ because you have no other choice.

In Texas we do have the CASTLE LAW that you mode of transportation is also the same as you home,but all STATES don’t have that law


all I can say is that in my confrontation in Wa. is that USCCA had an atty the next day for me SD/Brandishing charge the DA applied, saved me 3K and was happy I had the coverage

Dawn is there any way to find out if you have a SD issue in a gfz zone and otherwise is a legal SD issue would they defend you? would appreciate it

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Dawn was last seen on here December of 2021…

I’m in Va. I don’t just drive through GFZs. I also shop GF malls, ABC Stores, and more. I NEED to know if I have coverage in the GFZ or not.

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