

WHAT?? Seriously, WTF?


How is this idiot still in office? The Dimocraps should be ashamed of themselves.


Well it looks like Biden just admitted that he is a traitor. And that he does sell the countryā€™s STATE SECRETS AND CLASSIFIED DOCUMENTS. And more than likely been doing it for decades. and using Hunter and his whole family to do it with their foreign business dealings.


This is such a short snippet of video it is impossible to tell what he might be trying to say. Though the longer you listen to him the harder it is to tell what he is saying so there is likely no additional context to be gained. Also in the age of deep fake videos you have to be cautious making any judgements based on something you see on the internet. Regardless of if the video is real or fake I would be cautious drawing any conclusions from short little clickbait snippets like this.

I am sure that he has illegally profited from sharing confidential government information. But he also has the perfect defense for any attempts to use his own words against him in a court of law. His mental decline is so completely obvious that his lawyers can easily argue that he had no idea what he was saying. Which appears to be true far more often than not for him over the past several years.


The White House Correspondence team will probably say he mis-spoke himself or that he was just joking around not knowing the cameras were rolling.


14 seconds or 14 hours, my conclusions were drawn a long time ago. Heā€™s an idiot, pure and simple! A complete disgrace, to mankind and the office of the presidency!

From someone who was there!

Biden had been ā€œwrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades.ā€ Robert Gates, former defense secretary!

What makes yesterday any different? Once a moron, always a moron! Heā€™s like a box of chocolates!


At least you can give away a box of chocolates. No body wants this clown after watching him for the last 3 years.


So I did a little digging on this. After he said it, which the white house official transcript verifies he said it, he said ā€œjust kidding.ā€

Whether he was kidding or he slipped and tried to save himself, this just shows how out of touch he is. When nearly half the country, or probably more, believes 100% that you really do steal and sell national secrets, itā€™s best not to joke about it. No matter what, itā€™s a really serious matter and nothing is funny, so regardless, his mental capacity and judgement are further discredited with this stupidity. Heā€™s the worst national embarrassment of my lifetime. Period.


Iā€™m not going to opine on Biden. But I have a very strong opinions on how morally bankrupt Main Stream Media has become. Any other President other than Biden, and Obama. The Press would murderize them for far less than the questions being raised right now.


I think Biden is now very obviously suffering from full on dementia. But I wouldnā€™t consider his past actions to be those of a moron. He has very adeptly been getting away with enriching himself, his family and his backers for decades.

All those wrong foreign policy decisions, most of which were fully supported by the majority of politicians on the right and the left at the time, have made a fair number of people very rich. All the kleptocrats in DC may be evil but I donā€™t think any of them are full on morons. Some may be manipulating while others are just easily manipulated but they are all too good at getting what they want to be considered idiots.

Unfortunately what they think is good for them and their backers in the short term is almost always very bad for all the rest of us in the long term.


In that case I need to become more evil or otherwise a wealthy kleptocrat!

So in essence it was a clever plan to destroy the country?

I guess in some ways I could forgive a moron, but I canā€™t forgive pure evil! Neither of which should be in charge of our country!


I appreciate your objectivity and critical thinking even. A lack of these things and the propensity to pile it on at the slightest trigger is one of the things wrong with society.

Iā€™m not defending the president or his actions and I donā€™t sense that you are either. But I appreciate you being fair.


For those only concerned with immediate benefits for themselves it does take some cleverness to get away with enriching themselves at the expense of everyone else. Not to mention future generations.

That is one of the main arguments against capitalism as it is currently practiced here in the US. Our system is obsessed with short term growth and quarterly profits without any concern for long term viability. There are so many costs that get externalized and eventually passed on to the tax payers. That short term thinking will eventually run the system into the ground. It is cyclical and has happened repeatedly throughout history. Itā€™s a pretty similar thought process to a meth headā€™s. Do whatever you need to today to get your fix and donā€™t worry about what your actions will cost you tomorrow.



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I remember this argument from back in the late ā€˜60ā€™s-to early 70ā€™s. I think it isnā€™t the system but the lack of morality in the elected. There should be term limits, take away their insider trader exemptions and lifetime benefits of healthcare and retirement. They should have to get out and work just like I have to.

The salary of the average congress person is $175k roughly. But the average congress person makes 1.7M from investments from insider trading. Hillary should be in JAIL and Boā€™s slap on the wrist is ridiculous.


ā€œNational embarrassmentā€ on a world stage. National emergency at home.


I donā€™t disagree with your assessment of the lack of moral character displayed by our elected officials. And they absolutely should not be allowed to make millions off their insider knowledge and passing laws that directly benefit their pocketbooks and the bank accounts of their backers at the expense of everyone else.

But I would argue that it takes short sighted and self interested big money backers and the money they use to continuously manipulate millions of uninformed voters to keep electing and re-electing these kleptocrats into office. That is a systemic issue. I have nothing against capitalism but I am completely against the kleptocracy, cronyism and corporate socialism that has corrupted our economy and government leaving us with the mess we have today.

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It appears to me he is gloating, as an untouchable.


Iā€™m not arguing against that. Only saying ppl are flawed and do things they shouldnā€™t do. I still havenā€™t found a socialist, communist or other governmental system than what we have.