


Ignorant buffoon in action. Probably wonā€™t here another word about it. Anybody else would get thrown to the wolves.


ā€œIt has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except all the others that have been tried.ā€ - Winston Churchill.

I donā€™t think it matters much whether our representative republic is the best of the worst or the best of the best. If we allow the corruption to continue our country is gonna get thrown into the dust bin of history with all the other failed nations.


I seem to recall multiple instances in 2021-2022 where the White House transcript did not match the recorded audio. Usually they were doing damage control to something the President shouldnā€™t have said. I canā€™t give you a solid example off the top of my head, but I donā€™t 100% trust what the White House puts out. Is there a longer version of the audio so we can verify it?

Iā€™ve had similar thoughts, not about the economic system, but about our political system. Thereā€™s simply no accountability for politicians. Entrenched politicians canā€™t be ousted, and at-risk politicians will do something popular right before the election to win. But thereā€™s no incentive to keep an eye on the nationā€™s long-term health.

Exhibit A: the Social Security system thatā€™s been failing for decades. Everyone knows about it; no one has the will to do anything about it.

I donā€™t blame capitalism or even politicians, so much. I blame the electorate. Our republican system was only designed to work with an astute body of voters. For as long as Iā€™ve been alive, the concern is always about the quantity of voters, never about the quality.


I donā€™t think capitalism is to blame. Though like any other system it can be manipulated to benefit the few at the expense of the many. And the US voters do keep voting for the same corrupt politicians so the politicians arenā€™t solely to blame. Though through corrupt actions and short sighted policies they clearly arenā€™t guilt free either.

It would be nice if voters were better informed. But itā€™s not like anyone is making it easy to dig through all the agenda driven propaganda to find the truth.


RNC Research on Twitter: ā€œBIDEN (last week): ā€œI sold a lot of state secrets and a lot of very important thingsā€¦ā€ https://t.co/eyEaQEevRpā€ / Twitter
Still a bizarre comment to make. It appears out in left field and falls flat on the ground without a player anywhere nearby to catch it. With all the controversy surrounding him, that is not a topic he should have attempted to joke about. He was also surprisingly coherent, for him, in that video.



Republicans canā€™t stop with your conspiracy theories. Blow up the video and itā€™s clear you can see this has been dubbed with AI.

Nobody is concerned that Trump had Jared Kushner meeting with Saudi Arabia outside of the State Department and got $2 BILLION from them. Before you go off on itā€™s a lie itā€™s been publicly announced. Chris Christy openly talks about it!

Youā€™re incorrect. See my post above. The official White House transcript of the meeting shows Biden saying exactly what the video appears to say.