I understand your concerns, and agree.
We should not need “Mother May I,” CCW cards in our wallets.
That is why I am a proponent of the Second Amendment Constitutionally “Trumping” all the States with blanket National Reciprocity. (Period. Full Stop.)!
I/we like to visit state and national parks. As it stands the state and national park systems previously prohibited
the carrying of any firearms. Then they adopted the policy of the states that they occupied of allowing those with carry permits to do so outside of maintain facility buildings, offices, and visitor centers, etc.
If National “Constitutional’ Reciprocity becomes the law of the land, the parks would adopt that, and not require a “Mother’s Permission Card.” Which, would be fine with me.
But, states with money grabbing tendencies, especially with anti-2A, gun control issues won’t want to give up their revenue sources, or control.
Like NY and their highly restrictive to the point of not being true CCW carry in public not-permits, not outside your residence, place of business (off premises), not acceptable in you car, in a safe lock box in your trunk. So, that as soon as you step across a threshold into public or get in your car, you are defenseless. They have no receptivity with any other state.
They only issue by each county, and upstate vs. downstate counties don’t have reciprocity with each other without the other’s endorsement. Meaning repeating the entire process and all the cost prohibitive to all but the rich for only 3-years, and repeat.
There is one interstate transit law that allows you to transport your firearm access state lines. But, NY requires it not be acceptable to the passenger compartment, and you may not stop overnight, taking a hotel room, that’s a violation.
I would hope that National “Constitutional” Reciprocity would put an end to all that nonsense.
By contrast Tennessee is a state shale issue statewide permits for 8-years at much more affordable fees. Their versions are standard and enhanced Concealed Carry Handgun Permits, and since July 1, 2021 Permit-less open or concealed carry is allowed as long as you meet the same criteria of not being a prohibited
person, aka: not a criminal, of lawful age =/> than 18, and a lawful resident of TN, lawfully in the US.
As a natural born US Citizen, homeowner, retired U.S. Military veteran, with zero criminal history, I qualify under all criteria for either with, or without a permit.
But, as with affords more places and spaces to be allowed than w/o prohibition I would opt for not having to be disarmed to enter them.
Hopefully, National “Constitutional” Reciprocity would not require having any type of permit to enter any place.
At least it should end all the Blue States’ Bull
I hope!