Trump announces support for concealed carry reciprocity

Agreed. But, we got at least half a dozen Bat-■■■■ Blue States that are fearsomely anti-2A that will never come around on their own that need a national federal authority like the Supreme Court telling them that they have to adopt this or loose their federal funding and be prosecuted for Obstruction of Governmental Administration if they fail to comply. Make it a national law.

We have sanctuary cities and states that have been crying about the detrimental effects of the illegal migrates on them that are so indoctrinated that they pledged Resistance to the Trump Administration actions to relieve them of those illegals.

How fu€£ing absurd is that?


Agreed! But, I am talking the states, especially the ones that are resistant to National Reciprocity, just asserting full compliance with the Second Amendment of the US Constitution. And, any of their unconstitutional restrictions infringing on it. Let it be the way it was intended by the framers. Keep it simple, no wiggle room to usurp the original intent. It says what it says, and does not say what it doesn’t.


I agree with that also. But, what I’m saying is that they have to abide by the Constitution. Laws can easily change according to what side has the power in Washington. The rights of the country aren’t so easily changed. Immigration and abortion are laws and will be fought about until the Supreme Court decides it, but even that can change with the right justices, as we have seen. Removing Federal funding would work better than passing a law to guarantee a right which could change as soon as the other party gets power. I guess either way the court will busy and 2A will continue to be a fight one way or another.


I understand your concerns, and agree.

We should not need “Mother May I,” CCW cards in our wallets.

That is why I am a proponent of the Second Amendment Constitutionally “Trumping” all the States with blanket National Reciprocity. (Period. Full Stop.)!

I/we like to visit state and national parks. As it stands the state and national park systems previously prohibited :no_entry_sign: the carrying of any firearms. Then they adopted the policy of the states that they occupied of allowing those with carry permits to do so outside of maintain facility buildings, offices, and visitor centers, etc.

If National “Constitutional’ Reciprocity becomes the law of the land, the parks would adopt that, and not require a “Mother’s Permission Card.” Which, would be fine with me.

But, states with money grabbing tendencies, especially with anti-2A, gun control issues won’t want to give up their revenue sources, or control.

Like NY and their highly restrictive to the point of not being true CCW carry in public not-permits, not outside your residence, place of business (off premises), not acceptable in you car, in a safe lock box in your trunk. So, that as soon as you step across a threshold into public or get in your car, you are defenseless. They have no receptivity with any other state.

They only issue by each county, and upstate vs. downstate counties don’t have reciprocity with each other without the other’s endorsement. Meaning repeating the entire process and all the cost prohibitive to all but the rich for only 3-years, and repeat.

There is one interstate transit law that allows you to transport your firearm access state lines. But, NY requires it not be acceptable to the passenger compartment, and you may not stop overnight, taking a hotel room, that’s a violation.

I would hope that National “Constitutional” Reciprocity would put an end to all that nonsense.

By contrast Tennessee is a state shale issue statewide permits for 8-years at much more affordable fees. Their versions are standard and enhanced Concealed Carry Handgun Permits, and since July 1, 2021 Permit-less open or concealed carry is allowed as long as you meet the same criteria of not being a prohibited :no_entry_sign: person, aka: not a criminal, of lawful age =/> than 18, and a lawful resident of TN, lawfully in the US.

As a natural born US Citizen, homeowner, retired U.S. Military veteran, with zero criminal history, I qualify under all criteria for either with, or without a permit.

But, as with affords more places and spaces to be allowed than w/o prohibition I would opt for not having to be disarmed to enter them.

Hopefully, National “Constitutional” Reciprocity would not require having any type of permit to enter any place.

At least it should end all the Blue States’ Bull :ox: ■■■■ :poop:.

I hope! :crossed_fingers:


And it worked so well in that situation also :man_shrugging:t2:


we the people dont need to ask any part of government for anything we the people need to tell government we are the boss they serve at our pleasure and can and will be replaced if they do not do what we tell them we want.


I have been forced to drink the Republican and Democrat Kool-Aid for the past five decades. It always comes with the sweet promise of peace, prosperity and a righting of the other side’s wrongs and always ends up leaving us with the bitter aftertaste of corruption, war, further erosion of rights and massive debt.

I think both Parties deserve a lot more negative waves than they keep getting every two years. So I am unapologetically not expecting things to miraculously change this time around. I’ll be happy as a pig in crap if you all prove me wrong this time around but strongly suspect we are all just going to continue getting more crap shoved down our throats by these kleptocrats and their puppet masters.



Top of the morning to you Sir.

Interesting perspective.

We got a huge mess to clean up.

Just the numbers of illegals gifted to us is enormous.

Better than just stopping them, I hope that we can deport large numbers of them, especially the violent criminals.

We need to reduce their numbers to reduce their future population explosion.

Just ending what had preceded is huge, but cleaning it up is enormous too.

The residual damage will linger in getting debt and inflation that never fully resets to previous lows is hard enough without the Democrats’ Resistance to correcting everything.

I just hope that we can improve on that landscape without succumbing to it all.

I don’t expect that we will ever achieve perfection but, anything this new Administration can do to improve our lot from the ruination of the former Tyrannical Regime has got to be worth our support.

Just my two-cent opinion.



I hope Trump and the Republicans can begin to fix the border crises. But even if they waived a magic wand that got rid of all of the illegal imigrants and created a stable and secure legal immigration system that benefits our economy all of our problems would be far from over.

Our massive debt, erosion of rights and endless wars have been decades in the making with both Parties continuing to play the dominant roll in our ever growing troubles. We are facing massive problems that will continue to grow exponentially. Trump has a choice - give us our massively painful medicine now or continue to try and hide the growing mess under the rug. Either way it seems to me that Trump is far more likely to end up saddled with the majority of the blame for our decades long economic woes than to magically resolve them in 4 years.

The likelyhood of the Left “receiving a mandate” from voters in 2 to 4 more years is very high. The problem is that these aren’t mandates for the Republicans or Democrats to get their way. These are mandates to fix all the underlying problems they have created together. Until they do (or better yet get moved out of the way so someone else can) we are just going to keep yo-yoing back and forth between the two corrupt parties as they blame each other for all our woes while siphoning the last of our wealth into their pockets.

Based on historical precedent we are likely to keep swinging wildly back and forth between the increasing extremes in the Republican and Democrat parties until the system implodes and an authoritarian government rises in its place. I am hoping for the best but preparing for the far greater likelyhood that we are going to be in for the worst. So forgive me if I don’t feel that I have time to join in with you all in the victory celebration.


Yes! We have our work cut out for us. But, at least we have a different administration with the focus on improving that. We need to support that as much as we can. It may take more than one administration to unscrew what the last one screwed up.

But, what else have we got to work with, and for?

That needs to be our job one :point_up: from now on.

If we feel like complaining or bashing anyone or entity let it be the last admin.

I think we need to pour all our positive energy into our new administration and give them the best chance to do us the most good that they can. Sure, they may fall short of perfection but, look at what they inherited, they did not cause that. It’s a huge step in the right direction to improve our lot.


I get you man, I truly do.
Kinda hard to get excited after being disappointed
time N time again.
But I HAVE to hold on to this one Brother.

Change HAS to come NOW!
We will not survive if these Criminals get back in again.(EVER).
Over a BILL$on Dollars on trying to steal this Election
$20 MILLION in debt (their campaign) Kamala Disappears after losing…WTF is she?
She’s suppose to be the VP !
Now they are Trotting out the rancid Puddin’ for his ‘Comeback’ tour? NFW!
Bill$ons promised to THE WORLD BANK for poor countries? I DON’T THINK SO JOEY!
What about US?
$160 Million is student loan debt relief after the Supreme’s said No Way Jose!
Rules for thee but not for me huh? Same as it ever was.

NOPE! Times they are a changin’
Da Trumpanator is in the Houze and he has a Fxxkin’ Flame Thrower!



They have been (AWOL) ‘absent without leave’ from day one except for their personal gain focus to sell the “Big Guy’s” brand of pay to play influence peddling, and kickbacks, etc.


Their ‘Scheme’s’ all FAILED! Billions wasted (in their pockets mostly)
TR$ll$ons spent/wasted on No-Where Schemes and Green Energy Pipe Dreams:
*EV Cars (Fail)

  • A Network of Coast to Coast EV Stations (Fail)
  • EV Buses for Major Blue city Networks (HUGE FAIL! Ev’s run poorly in cold weather!)
  • Wind Turbines in the Oceans (that Kill Wild life—who thought THAT up!)
  • Dead Whales on the beaches—He should know huh?
  • Climate Change FEAR Powder! Very Hot in the Summer, Snow Storms in the Winter!----NO WORDS!
  • Endless Forever WARS we weren’t ALLOWED to win!
  • Depleting our Strategic Oil Reserves (helpless in case of trouble’s) Nice!
  • Diluting our ARMED FORCES READYNESS! (THAT is CRIMINAL ! DEI Officers! Fxxk THAT!)
  • DEI Initiatives! 'nuff said
  • Aiding and abetting THE CARTELS–Fentanyl Trafficking, HUMAN TRAFFICKING, SEX SLAVERY
  • and on and on and on… The American People have had Enough! WE HAVE SPOKEN!
  • Block our Appointee’s and you will be dealt with HARSHLY.
  • ‘TRUE!!’: Trump confirms support for major step in mass deportation push to ‘reverse the Biden invasion’
  • President-elect Donald Trump confirmed on Monday that he is prepared to declare a national emergency and potentially use military assets as part of a mass deportation effort that his administration is preparing to launch on day one.

Trump responded to a Truth Social post by Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton, who said that Trump is reportedly “prepared to declare a national emergency and will use military assets to reverse the Biden invasion through a mass deportation program.”

“TRUE!!” Trump posted.
Question for you Gunner’s:
'Who was on the Right side of TRUMP during the Tyson fight?

(We’re talking about $1.60 or lower Gas prices a Gallon once again! Trump is working his Axx off! He never stops! Always Networking, Playing the Chess game 20 steps ahead of the Enemy!)
Does anyone really feel these Swamp Rats stand a Ghost of a chance Blocking/Standing up to Trump now? Has Been’s like Pelosi, Schummer, Obama, The Clintons, Soros? Please!
Pudding BLEW-UP the Nordstream Pipeline (NEVER forget that!)
He escalated the Russian/Ukraine War----Over a Million Casualties (both sides for what?) MON$Y!
It’s always about the Money with these Criminals.

  • Human Trafficking, Fetus selling, Adrenochrome, Fentanyl, Cocaine, POT! Feeding the Citizens everything and anything to WEAKEN US< BLIND US, ADDICT US! so they can stay in power!
    Anyone think I’m Bat sh!t Crazy here?


EDIT/UPDATE: One of the biggest LIES this .gov perpetuated on the World !

  • Children mean nothing to them!
  • EV Battery Waste—where ya gonna put all that sh!t in Mother Earth that’s where!
  • EV Cars and Trucks are HEAVIER! They wear out the roads faster (which suck now
  • anyway—Worst Infrastructure ever! Our roads and Bridges are crumbling as is.
  • Parking Structures would FAIL Dramatically if they housed all EV cars!
  • 'IT’S ALL ABOUT THE CHILDREN! yeah RIGHT! BAN GUNS! It’s for the Children!
  • And Soros Backed DA’s let Murderers and Rapists out scot free…what? for the Children?
  • Women mean nothing to them! Reproductive rights? 'My Body My Choice .gov stay
  • out of their Business!
  • When we Imprison the Swamp Rats drain their Bank accounts as well and give the money t the Vet’s!
  • (Rant ended, Thank you for your service Veterans!)


Ya MA isnt fillowing any other SCOTUS decisions… and refusing to do ANY deportations for Trump… sooooo good luck with accepting other LTCs


Sooo, Start with charges of contempt of court, contempt of Congress, deliberate disobedience of a lawful order, Obstruction of Governmental Administration or Justice, etc…

Just because they don’t want to play by the rules does not mean that they don’t apply.

The rules do apply, and have consequences.

Senator says that he will refuse to seat Democratic Senator from PA who won’t concede his election lose.

“If Bob Casey doesn’t concede, Pennsylvania keeps counting illegal votes, & Casey relies on those votes to claim victory, the Senate could refuse to seat him,” Lee said in a post on X Saturday while citing Article I, Sec. 5, Cl. 1, which states that each “House shall be the Judge of the Elections, Returns, and Qualifications of its own Members.”

Beware of the Red Tide:


Did see last night a judge in MN got charged… byt like this new gun law, SCOTUS said bump stocks arent machine guns… within a month, MA passes a law puting bump stocks in the machine gun category… SCOTUS will have a field day down the line… but we talkin years on anything. (That judge in PA should be charged soon enough for that too hopefully!)


Just saw CA and IL govenors say they wont do Trumps deportations either


(LTCs? Lot of different meanings for those letters, trouble finding any that relate to this topic?)

Duh! Just occurred to me!

Wake me up when I get here!

I did not recognize that in its context.

LTC = License to Carry is not as phrase used in TN.

I am used to the more common CCW= Concealed Carry Weapon permit, and our variant of that, a CHP = Concealed Carry Handgun Permit, and our slightly more involved ECHP = Enhanced Carry Handgun Permit, longer in-person vs. online training and a little higher fee(s).

It affords more places, and spaces to carry that are not prohibited :no_entry_sign: with the ECHP vs. CHP version.

As of July 1, 2021 TN adopted Permit-less open and / or concealed carry also.

One just needs to meet the same seven criteria of not being a prohibited :no_entry_sign: person.

Basically, not a criminal (felon, subject of an order of protection, not a stalker, no domestic violence, no DUIs, not a fugitive, that type of thing,) of lawful age (18), and a lawful citizen of the US, resident of TN, (or working, in college, in the military stationed in TN.)

TN recognizes 48 other states reciprocity, and is recognized by 39 other states so far. Most of the hold outs are Blue States only that don’t recognize any other states.

I think that when we pass National “Constitutional” Carry Reciprocity, it will, or should be universally throughout the entire USA, all states, and territories be accepted.