Trump announces support for concealed carry reciprocity

#Trump announces support for concealed carry reciprocity#


Trump says that your right to self defense does not stop at the end of your driveway, or at the state line.

Yeah! One big one for our 2A side!


“Your Second Amendment does NOT end @ the State Line”----DJT/47

Good quote.

My only response is why (with all the threats to our safety roaming our streets and Highways daily brought forth front and center by this Criminal Regime)
Is WHY aren’t WE the PEOPLE ‘allowed’ to carry a firearm without a ‘Mother may I’ card in our wallet?
The Country is reverting back to the ‘Tombstone’ day’s where good decent folk’s HAD to carry a side arm to protect themselves just walking down the street. We’ve replaced the ‘Cowboy’s’ gangs with MS13 and ‘Tren de phuckheads’ and with the wonderful Defund the Police movement WE ARE LESS SAFE THAN EVER!.
How does an axxhole migrant in NYC have a loaded Ar15 pointing it @ Americans GET OUT OF JAIL WITH A SLAP ON THE WRIST? It’s diabolical! Yet these same fools want to come into our homes and ‘INSPECT’ we are ‘Properly’ handling/storing our firearms? I guess I don’t have to tell you folk’s how I felt when I read that huh?
Sanity will be restored in 2025/January Bully for that! Fabulous! But the Criminal element —KILLERS will/are still out roaming our streets like wild dogs. What I would like to see is Peter Hesgeth get into to Justice and rip them to shreds. What I want to see is a country where you DEFEND YOURSELF/FAMILY and not have our own .gov come down on US for doing what we given by GOD the right to do.
Reciprocity is a good start, But we still have to have that CCW to obtain the FREEDOM to carry State to State. I STILL can’t carry in a Mall or Costco because of the WOKE management fallacy that NO GUNS MEANS EVERYONE’S SAFE! That’s just retarded. If I screw up with a Firearm I will go away for LIFE, If a Migrant/Illegal POS screws up he’s out before Lunch! Where is the Justice in this? THAT’S WHAT NEEDS TO BE FIXED IMMEDIATELY.
We’ve waited too long and the system is broken. It’s going to take precious time to fix the damage done to us. I will carry and USE my Weapon to defend my Family the cost be damned. At least I will be ALIVE to defend my actions.
Reason and justice has been restored to the United States, But is it too late? And the Demoncrats are already ATTACKING Trumps appointments calling them Russian Spy’s and Extremists !
Tulsi Gabbard (Lt. Col. Tulsi Gabbard) TOOK THE OATH! and NOW these EVIL Bestards are calling her a Russian SPY? Peter Hesgeth is an Extremist/White Supremist? REALLY? SERIOUSLY?
Whoopie Cushion try’s to take out a Bakery with 147 year history of Excellence and wonderful Customer Service and thinks that OK to do so? She should be hanging from a tall tree in Staten Island NY.

It’s going to take time to weed out these Satan Followers—my question is do we have that time?


Pretty sure he announced his support for National Reciprocity back in 2016 as well. But the bill was never even brought to the floor for a vote despite 2 years with the Republicans in control of the House and the Senate.

Instead Trump gave us a ban on bump stocks, had the justice department argue to keep suppressors on the NFA list and threatened to unilaterally ban “high capacity” magazines and “assault” rifles.

Talk is cheap. Actions are what matter. Though I do expect there to be a little more push on National Reciprocity this time around. It would buy the Republicans a little more good will from their pro 2A supporters which they may feel could buy them some extra breathing room when they choose to once again show their true colors after the next big active shooter event.

Is National Reciprocity a fair trade for a ban on certain “scary” rifles, pistols and mags and another increase in Red Flag laws without due process?


Now or never. Subscribe to every pubic official that has a say on this federally and locally. Get their newsletters, see how they’re voting and make yourself heard. D or R, makes no difference. I know USCCA has done a great job, sign this, get the word out. But I firmly believe that 100 e-mails will have more impact than one e-mail will 100 “signatures “. I heard somewhere that 30M gun owners didn’t even vote. If we want change we have to change. This may be our last chance.


(The inequities and disparities of injustice under the old Tyrannical Regime are endless.

But, it’s a new dawn with a new sheriff in town.

I think that the long awaited change in tide has arrived and that finally the prayers of ‘We the People’ are being answered.

Finally, I think that common sense is about to ensue, and the ‘Theater of the Absurd’ is about to shutter its doors.)


Tombstone Arizona was mentioned above. In April 1881 ordinance #9, not to be confused with “love potion #9”, made it illegal to carry a gun in Tombstone city limits. The famous gunfight at the OK Corral had its roots in this ordinance. Gun control is not new.


This is another excellent statement.


Well it’s paased due time to get this done then now that we have a GOP trifecta in Washington DC, let 2025 be the year that this gets accomplished.

At least e-mail your Senators and your Congressional District Representative that you are a constituent of asking them to support National Concealed Carry Reciprocity.

(Short, clear, plan, and simple, no elaboration required.

If enough of us do that, like enough of us voted for Trump, I can see it happening.)


Just because those of us who travel may soon be able to conceal carry across state lines, does not mean we will not be subject to many different state laws, and even local ordinances. National reciprocity is no panacea, and some states and local communities may come down hard on those accused of weapons violations regardless of wether or not a weapon has been fired. The 2nd amendment allows us to own and carry, but the devil is in the details of the local community and their attutudes regarding guns.


Well that’s the case now regardless. But, with National Concealed Carry Reciprocity at least you will be able to carry into each state on your travel itinerary.

And, with the help of our Reciprocity website page you can keep appraised of each of those states nuisances.

They might even make it simpler to do that; once you indicate your home state, you can list the states that you will visit, and it gives you what you need to know about each.

National Reciprocity might even that out; making those nuisances more uniform simpler.


This would be ideal.

However, I want to see and thoroughly read whatever it is that they may propose. My concern is less for this administration but potentially for those in the future. What happens if/when we get leadership who is anti-2A/gun, does the version of national reciprocity that they may introduce make it easier for the fed gov to implement more restrictive laws?

Obviously, we don’t know yet which is why I want to read it if/when it’s proposed.


Trump 45 wasn’t perfect and judging from Trump 47’s appointees, he’s learned his lessons.

There’s no reason not to make this happen before his term ends.

Who would be getting in the way of reciprocity?
A future Senate leader not named Rick Scott?
Spineless republicans?


I REALLY wish I could agree about Comm’s w/ my Local Yokel Politico’s.
I might save some energy convincing my Cats to not ;Chatter’ @ the backyard birds!.
(you ever see a cat do that? Sooooo Cute!) Their mouths quiver and they make a ‘Chatter’
like Lil Troopers say ‘Git Sum!’ but I digress
My Blue Balls Senators/Congresspersons are woefully BLUE!/WOKE!.
Their ship could be sinking and they’d be charting a course to the Bottom!
(and IT IS!, they just haven’t cotton to the fact that their ship has sailed.
Anyone who ‘FIGHTS’ the Red Wave will be sucked in the undertow!
You’d be a fool to fight (72+) MILLION who VOTED FOR CHANGE.
Already we see these folk’s reving up to fight the Nominations, POOR Bestards


AGREE 100%. This is not the ANSWER, It’s a Band-Aid, A Temp. Fix.
WE NEED Local Militia’s
WE NEED .Gov to SUPPORT/BACK this play, Have our BEST INTERESTS @ Heart
Not ready to send Hit Squads to our Doors or Close FFL’s for Phuckin’ ‘Infractions’
The ‘GESTAPO’ Sh!t must stop Jan 20th 2025!


I say model National Reciprocity on the Second Amendment of the Constitution.

Our rights shall not be infringed upon

Going forward keep that alive at its core.


That’s one way, yes, and the one that would be most difficult to repeal.

If done by an amendment to the Constitution, there are only a couple of ways to achieve this and neither would be a guarantee.


Agreed! We won resoundingly!

We won this fight!

As the Victors it is not for us to make concessions just because the losers whine!

When we won WW-II we demanded and got unconditional surrenders.

With our landslide mandate to correct the passed four years, we should do just that!


We got this!

We won resoundingly!

Trump has our mandate!

We can make anything happen that we want.


I just think that we should already have national reciprocity as per the 2nd Amendment. It gives the citizens of this country the right to bear arms. It is an Amendment to our country’s constitution. It says nothing about having to stay in whichever state you live in to exercise that right and couldn’t because it is a national right. This just means that we have a new law, something similar to abortion, that can be lifted or squashed according to which party is in power at the time. All it does is give the politicians something to fight about or change every 4 years.