Truck gun?

Does anyone else carry a truck gun or a long rifle with them in their vehicle on the daily as an emergency option? Times are changing and I like to have the option to hunker down and defend if I can’t escape. Situations like Dayton, El Paso, the recent freeway shooting etc. As a last resort, I like the ability to match fire power and distance.

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I have been considering that as a get home gun just can’t make up my mind about a pistol caliber carbine or an ar pistol in 5.56. I kind of like the CZ Scorpion EVO carbine.

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For me, outside the home I’d definitely go with a rifle caliber over pistol caliber


Yes, with multiple loaded magazines, along with a range bag, a medical bag, a tool bag and a bag full of miscellaneous stuff that comes in handy at times. I keep a carbine with magazines interchangeable with my EDC.


Yup, I have always kept a “disposable” gun in most every vehicle I drove except the ones that went on base. I say “disposable” simply for the reason someone stated earlier on a different thread. “If you are involved in a shooting they will confiscate your firearm, Probably for a long time.”

Usually it was some form of AR-15 since they are cheap and mags/ammo is plentiful. Used to keep a an 18" .308 bolt gun in my truck for trips to the farm but it was not mag fed and as such created issues getting it into action. Started keeping an AR-47 instead.




This takes me back to the days when we had gun racks and a shotgun in our trucks at all times.


Yes, daily i have two truck handgus, a .45 in easy reach and a .38 for snakes since i travel in snake country. Also several on our security team at church have ARs in vehicles at church.

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Welcome to the group @Jeffrey12! what’s your favorite flavor of .45?

My truck .45 is kahr

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Depending on the season and which truck I’m in there will be a an Ar in .260 Rem, or 5.56, an M1A in 7.62N or a Mini 14 in 6.8SPC within reach.

There’s usually a long range center fire bolt gun as well which could be anything from a .260 Rem to a 300 RUM or 375 Ruger.

I tend to buy them in pairs so I can keep identical rifles in each vehicle similar to how I pair my handguns.

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I’ve always thought the Kel-Tec Sub 2000 in 9mm would be perfect. But, an AR pistol of some sort could work too. We will see… :v:t5:

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Old 30/30 Winchester. Cheap, powerful and accurate to 150 or nicely supplements a handgun. As an aside, it’s not one of those “evil” black guns that get the anti’s undies in a knot😏


Eventually going to build a Pistol AR, till then, I travel with a backpack with a 9mm carbine and my 9mm handguns…

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I keep a Hi point 945 in my suv.1 it fits ,2 same my ccw,and a big 3 if stolen I’m only out 200.00$.

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Why keep a truck gun if you’re carrying a gun? Any issues with kids and a truck gun? I’ve heard multiple videos mention a truck gun as a cheap gun you won’t cry over if it gets stolen, but having a gun stolen is disturbing.

Not against a truck gun at all. Just bringing up the question.


I keep a Henry AR-7 US Survival in a tactical sling bag… with other stuff (it’s a recent move, still outfitting)…

So far: Henry AR-7, 2x 30rd AR-15 mags, space for a couple handgun mags, leatherman wave, ASP expandable baton, 4D-cell maglite, 1911 hipster. Usually a handgun goes in the front pocket, revolver as an example for this pic.

I don’t like leaving guns in cars when possible, and this keeps everything together and discreet.