Trolls causing us trouble

I had a one or two line post just encouraging us to contact our representatives to push our 2A agenda like the Nation Concealed Carry Reciprocity act bill.

(exercising our civic duty, responsibility to have our grievances / concerns addressed in congress, a constitutional right of us citizens doing our part for us.).

A troll flagged that for being off topic to get it stifled.

And, they succeeded in getting it pulled.

It was taken down without any consideration for who had flagged what and why,

The content of the post was not offensive except that the troll does not want us to be politically functional in achieving our agenda which, is opposite their agenda to usurp our constitutional bill of rights, and maybe even abolish our constitution altogether.

But, without considering the context they successfully got a moderator to blindly just flip the switch off on that post.

And, not considering that an outside interloper was trying to censor us from encouraging each other to be legislatively active for our group’s purposes.

What we exist for.

Please police the trolls, not us.

Don’t be their tools against us.


Guess why I quit posting.


Don’t let them stifle us.

We must not let a few trolls usurp our being.

If we let them, then what!

Do we cease to exist?

I don’t want to give up and let them stifle us that easily.

This is not Facebook, don’t let it become that.


I stifle myself. Some have figured out how to provoke reactions from me and all I will accomplish is getting myself banned. The moderators support these goofs rights to stir the crap bowl. Life’s to short to constantly be drawn into some malcontents pointless arguments. Internet warriors are everywhere, real ones hardly exist anymore.





Perfect, let’s keep that type on the outside.


That’s unfortunately partly a moderator issue where they simply take the path of least resistance and “oil the squeaky wheel” without any investigation or thought!


I am sorry your post got taken down. I am a 2A supporter. More importantly I am a responsibly armed supporter. This forum is the Place for Self-Defense Education, Training and Discussions with Responsibly Armed Americans. This is what attracted me to USCCA. If a troll takes down one of my posts I put it back up. I don’t know who any trolls are. I just figure it is one of us who woke up on the wrong side of the bed. Unless they have a way to discourage us from being responsibly armed Americans I don’t have a problem with them.


I have been getting my stuff flagged … OMG, One was for using the word. That describes the place where brimstone comes from. You know the place that is opposite where god is … I had no clue that was a word you can not use … I told tyler it is used in some famous books he might have heard of .

The Hebrew word Sheol appears 66 times in the Old Testament, and is translated as (“Self edited”) 19 times in the King James and New King James versions.

I apologized for my indiscretion


When a post is flagged can the flagger actually give a specific reason? I’m tempted to try flagging one of my own posts to see if that is possible but don’t want to bother the moderators.

If posts were deleted simply for being off topic probably half the posts on this site would need to be erased!

Generally the deleted posts I have noticed before they got deleted were taken off because they significantly violated forum guidelines. Usually they contain personal attacks against other forum posters. Though many of those seem to be allowed to remain as well.

If you read the actual forum guidelines it is just about impossible to not break them when talking about politics. Pointing out evidence of political corruption by individual politicians could be considered a personal attack against them.

At any rate I’m glad I don’t have to moderate this circus!


H E double hockey sticks.


I guess that is why I don’t have a problem with the guidelines. Politics is not my thing. The sanctity of life is.


That is the one. Since that got flagged lets see if this does also… Heaven … There I said it. I feel like such a rebel now…

I have never flagged anyone’s post … That free speech thing stops me every time …

You know, everybody believes in free speech until you start questioning them about it.
Larry Flynt

“In the last two years, I’ve challenged more than one book every calendar day,” said Bruce Friedman.
Book banner . Florida.


Unfortunately the politicians are spending an awful lot of time trying to get us to question or own sanity and to accept their insane version of reality.


All politicians are liars and scumbags. Let’s see if the truth gets removed.


Sorry I meant sanctity.


All politicians are politicians. Anything else is your opinion. Let’s keep it real.


Show me one instance of where they do what they do and it’s not for personal gain. Yes it’s my opinion…I’ve been alive a long time and have seen absolutely nothing that disproves that statement.


Ford pardoning Nixon … Would be my easy answer …