Training held against you?

Just because you can sue the Pope for Bastardy, doesn’t make it a good idea to try it. Let me turn my Google translator back on for translating from lapsed Catholic Redneck to English. It ain’t smart for a D.A in a gun friendly Conservative state

But A D.A. can and most likely will (especially these activist D.A.'s) throw the kitchen sink at you.

While we are on the topic, you should do scenarios in your head. Like the logistics of calling 911 and a call to the USCCA. Because it is going to be crazy.


This is a good point. The class i took and the training here in the site all point to being the first to call 911 to establish the narrative.

Then, of course, the next call should be to uscca/lawyer. I debate with myself whether or not I should pick a lawyer to have a relationship in case something happens. I’ve thought about buying an hour of time and taking him to lunch sort of thing.


True, very true. Practice what you will say on the phone to 911, the police or anybody in the area. Say it to the air, a door, your spouse but practice saying it. One is:

I’m sorry, I’m under too much street right now and I want to talk to my lawyer.

Then STFU! That one is the hard part for me since I talk to vent to release stress and anger. Always remember: anything you say can and WILL be used against you.

Edit: when online with 911: I need police and an ambulance at fill in the blank.

Always remember as soon as the 911 phone rings it starts recording even without the 911 operator talking to you! You can and WILL go to jail for things you say before they pick up. Hang the phone up as soon as you get done saying it!


I wouldn’t even say that much.

Read the back of the member card/say that

“I was attacked, feared for my life, and had to defend myself”

“I will cooperate 100%, but first I need my attorney” [do not talk further without your lawyer present]


I agree 100%.

I would add the “why?” question. Why are they doing this? I suspect they lack the mindset. One of the places I’ve trained (Tactical Defense Institute) lists their values as “Mindset, Tactics, Shooting.” Mindset is number one.

You run mental scenarios, carry a gun, and plan around hassles and restricted places because you have the mindset of a a warrior, sheepdog, and/or defender. You are not naive about the dangers out there and you are mentally prepared for what could go sideways.

Many think the gun possesses magical powers and saves their life by mere possession of it. No need to train. The gun is the gun.

And I think that’s something that both sides of the political aisle get hung up on: to many of them, it’s all about the gun. To the anti-gun crowd, the gun is bad. To some in the pro 2A crowd the gun is good and just might be the magical answers to all of life’s potential problems. I have a gun. I’m good. Having a gun makes me feel better if if it doesn’t actually make me safer (and might make me less safe if I’m stupid).



Another way of phrasing that I have seen is, in order of priority

  1. Mindset
  2. Skillset
  3. Gearset

:yum: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Let’s all go eat at BobbyJean’s, he’s got great food!!! :yum: :yum: :yum: :laughing:

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@EricW Do that!! That’s an excellent idea! Find that USCCA Lawyer in your area, get him/her into your phone contact, and give him/her a call. :+1:


Nathan 57. Shift. To another GEAR. To. Situational awareness!! And. A kind word. !! Brother. Sharpen. Up. SIR. Love Bobby Jean. Sir.


Agree that mindset is key!

I have used my mind on countless occasions to keep and get myself out of trouble. It can also get me into trouble when I am not using it properly;)

Fortunately have never had to reach for a firearm to solve a problem. But I know there are some rare problems out there we can run into where a firearm can be the most effective or sometimes only tool able to solve them. Which is why I keep one handy when I can. But It is very hard to use any tools effectively without the mind understanding how to properly do so.

I have heard it said and completely agree that the mind is the most effective weapon we can carry. But if we don’t train it and keep it sharp it wont be any more useful than a dull knife with a broken tip.