Today in history-recent and ancient


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Typhoid Mary


Yes, what she did was almost serial in nature.

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I announce OFFICALLY on this day 17 November 2023
I “unfriend” your pal and mine Pudding pants from my Faceplant page!
I can no longer tolerate the selfishness of him and his family taking in
all that money and not sharing with us!..what?
whisper, whisper, whisper…
He WHAT! Our Money? that Ba$tard! “rinse him out! Wipe the bowl clean!”

Where is the orange man when we need him Most?

No step on snek
(only day (3) w/o medication…can you tell the difference? :crazy_face:)


1923 Alan Shepard, first American astronaut to travel in space, was born

1959 Ben-Hur world premiere

1978 Jonestown Massacre


On this day in history, November 18, 1883, North American railroads create time zones, reshape global life (

FOX News

American and Canadian railroads enacted time zones — a concept that schedules all aspects of life today — on this day in history, Nov. 18, 1883.

The rail industry’s creation of time zones was a brazen attempt to bend time to its will.

It brought sanity to a sprawling patchwork system of local timekeeping based on the ancient method of following the sun, the system used since human time began.

“Back in the early 1800s, the sun served as the official ‘clock’ in the U.S., and time was based on each city’s own solar noon, or the point when the sun is highest in the sky,” Union Pacific railroad writes in its history of time zones.

“This timekeeping method resulted in the creation of more than 300 local time zones across the country — not to mention disparity in local time depending on your location. So, for example, while it could be 12:09 p.m. in New York, it could also be 12:17 p.m. in Chicago.”

The system that railroads pioneered did not become federal law until the passage of the Standard Time Act on March 19, 1918, amid World War I.

With an estimated 100,000 Americans alive today over the age of 100, tens of thousands of U.S. citizens still alive now were born into a world without uniform time.

Charles F. Dowd, an educator at what’s now Skidmore College in Saratoga Springs, New York, first proposed the concept of time zones across the U.S. in 1870.


“Dowd’s plan divided the country into four time zones. He used the 75th meridian, which runs through New York State, as the base for his Eastern Standard Time,” explains the Madison Historical Society from the Connecticut hometown of the time pioneer.


November 18th
I paid $4.55 a gallon for diesel.


Today in History 11/19:
Francisco Franco, ruler of Spain since his overthrow of the democratic government in 1939, died at age 82.

Charlie “everybody loves Charlie” Manson died in Prison (@ 83) 2017

…And they are still DEAD!
Coincidence??? I think NOT! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: They’re still dead! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:oh, I kill me! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


January 6th “insurrection” pales in comparison :man_shrugging:t4:

On this day in 1970, Japanese novelist Mishima Yukioand four members of his Shield Society, a private army formed to preserve Japan’s martial spirit, seized a military headquarters in Tokyo, and he later committed seppuku.

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Whoa, whoa, no need to insult neanderthals.

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20 Tantalizing Trivia Tidbits

Story by JhallComics • 23h

21 / 21

20. The guy who designed the “Batman V Superman” costumes also designed the SpaceX suits.

19. Humans may have domesticated grains for beer before bread.

18. A Titanic passenger managed to get a message-in-a-bottle to his mother before the ship sank.

17. The first international war crime trial happened in the Holy Roman Empire.

16. The voice of Tigger was an inventor.

15. “Jolene” was written about a red-headed clerk that crushed on Dolly Parton’s husband.

14. Germany made America a submarine before they got involved in WWI.

13. Despite not having cows, a Hong Kong dairy farm makes thousands of bottles of milk a day.

12. A deer was caught munching on human remains in the woods.

11. The gin and tonic was at first a way to fight malaria.

10. Brazilian plantation owners hated losing their slaves so they overthrew the monarchy.

9. William McKinley was killed right after removing his good luck carnation.

8. NYC used to have a mail network of tubes.

7. A Civil War veteran made a makeshift guillotine to kill himself in a hotel room.

6. Female hangingflies demand a food gift before a male can mate with her.

5. Buzz Aldrin conducted a communion service on the Moon.

4. Usain Bolt was given a 3-ton piece of the Berlin Wall.

3. A morbidly obese woman couldn’t be removed from her home.

2. The largest religious structure in the world is in Cambodia.

1. A horse answered math questions by looking at the body language of the asker.


On this day, Nov 26:
1863 - Confederate troops under General Braxton Bragg retreated from Chattanooga. Bragg resigned shortly thereafter.

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On this day in Civil War History:
"** 1864 - In Georgia, Union General Judson Kilpatrick began pursuing Confederate General Joseph Wheeler between Waynesboro and Millen. The engagment ended on December 4. The battle allowed Union General Sherman to march to Savannah, Georgia on his famous “March to the Sea.”**

I delight in these stories of the Confederates losing as much I enjoy the stories of allied troops whomping Nazis.


I love chess and pretty girls

I see some interesting comparisons with Sherman’s march to the sea and Israel’s current push to rid Gaza of Hamas. The action may have been/may be necessary but the collateral damage and diaspora did/will create impacts that were/will be felt for generations.

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Died on this day in 2001
He was 58.

1993 The Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act signed into law by Slick Willy

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