This just happened to me - Threatened to Kill me

It’s something people need to realize. A lot of these violent crimes are being perpetrated by kids 16 years and younger. Several years ago three young boys, all armed, tried to carjack retired law-enforcement officer in St. Louis who had just dropped his wife off at work. I believe he shot one of them but they ended up killing him. The oldest one was 16 The other two were either 13 or 14 years old. It would be tough shooting a person so young but they can kill you dead as a doornail then sit on your lifeless body and eat a sandwich. Human life seems to have no value to them. Sooo sad!


I hear you brother @Doug48, there is no respect for human life anymore. And you are right that most of these violent crimes are being committed by teenaged perpetrators or young men who are cowards being initiated into gangs.


@Jer66ome @Mike164 >>> size does matter but also understand that a bigger person feels more pain cause they have more body surface area & they hit the ground harder
Because they are heavier. PS: bigger people are also bigger targets not to mention more weight in motion can be used to your advantage.

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If you lack skills or even pepper spray then your only option is your gun. Having martial arts training & the self confidence it gives you allows you to have “prsence” as Mike abely demonstrated. Vermin & human wolves can sense weakness. Mike demonstrated strength of will and his annoyance retreated to the hell of his own mind. So have options. A stout cane makes for a splendid short bo, but get training & practice how to use a any self-defense options available to you. The mind is the only weapon, but having tools for the mind to control helps.


Love it

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There is nothing wrong in putting your hand on your firearm. The other person doesnt have to know youre even doing it. You have to be as prepared as you can in any situation. I still cant figure why police dont draw first after they get out of the car. They seem to always be ambushed and their gun is in their holster. They all need to have every advantage even though I wouldnt like a gun pointed at me during a traffic stop. You never know


I agree @Steven346 if you have a pocket pistol you can definitely put your hand in the pocket and not alert anyone to what you are doing. And police officers face so much pressure and are afraid to draw first sometimes not to make a fatal mistake. It can also work against them if they draw first and do discharge that fatal shot and face the consequences.


Glad the encounter did not result in anyone getting harmed. We live in San Fran-feces where homeless, criminals, and illegal immigrants overrun the city. We tend to avoid full contact with homeless especially. Even if it is more convenient to go straight we usually cross the street while watching them. Even if I am alone I make every effort to avoid. Now, the situation rapidly changes if they track, mirror, or start aggressively charging. Best battle is one where no arrow is unleash.


In that situation, everything worked out. Last week in downtown Chicago, a young women got stabbed to death by a homeless guy who leapt out of some bushes. Completely random and senseless. The point is you never know what you’re getting, so you just have to aware (she was attacked from behind), and, if confronted, watch the guy’s hands. Lot’s of people who get stabbed didn’t even realize the perpetrator had a knife and thought they got punched…til they saw the blood.


Welcome to the Family Jer66ome , glad to have you with us Brother…


Thank you much and have an awesome 4th of July

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Greetings y’all, to start I wish to say well done for not escalating an encounter beyond the necessary. You showed remarkable restraint.

The rest of this comment is meant for those with less then kind remarks about the homeless population and the inferred generality of these comments. Please remember, a good number of homeless are our veterans. Instead of calling them names, please consider donating to veteran homeless organizations or buy them breakfast. My love and good wishes for all.


When I walk I do it with a propose like I know where I’m going and have to be there on time using this method I have worked through many situations but as doing so I pay attention to the situational awareness and what I might have to do at anytime, I do not look for trouble but in knowing what’s going on ahead of me I may have me cross the street or turning up or down a street to avoid any problems. In that way I practice conflict avoidance. When you think about it situational awareness and conflict avoidance go hand in hand and should be used in every aspect of our lives.


No police officer is afraid to draw down on some one , they are afraid that they will be prosecuted for that person with the giant three musketeer bar that for all intents and purposes looks like a nickel plated death weapon. Qualified immunity needs to be modified and remember defund does not mean get rid of it just means no monetary support for. That’s all now unarmed encounters with hostile living organisms in my opinion usually die from acute lead poisoning. Or depend on the ammo copper or aluminum poisoning . But local laws always dictate the measure of restraint you should take, all jokes aside we have to be good ambassadors of fire arms training and to what is right not what’s arrogant or expedient

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