This just happened to me - Threatened to Kill me

Size Matters. :confounded:


Welcome to the family @Jer66ome and God bless you.


Thank you kindly

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Deftly handled, sir.

Unfortunately, such events are routine in many metropolitan areas infested with homeless untreated mental cases. I have started adding a mid-step in the “continuum of force” between “voice command” and gunfire–pepper gel. My dispenser has an OBNOXIOUSLY BRIGHT L.E.D. that is activated when the safety cap is lifted to deploy.


Thank God I live no where near such trash

Mike164, Thumbs up Brother

You Chubby Old Man :grinning:
Your aggressor would wind up in a Combine and left for
compost in these parts


I was in the subway station pre Covid waiting on a line when some dude came up from behind me and got within a foot of me and stared and stared in a obvious belligerent look in his face. He was sweating profusely and I just replanted my feet in case he made a move. I kept locked on his stare, though his fog he likely started to recognize I was not looking away , not moving away and in my stance. He finally walked away throwing his arms up in the air and kept looking back at me. Someone must have dialed 911 while this was going on and the police in the station showed up. They went up to him and suddenly they had him down and cuffed. The police came to me and asked what happened when this guy started to act nuts. I told them. Then they informed me the dude was high on meth and liked how I handled it. I said I was appreciated others called the police. I was happy not to have to take this further. I have my CC permit but did not have to go further than letting this nut realize I did not back down and was ready


Defend yourself with your fist? Really? Maybe you wind up on the pavement, perhaps a knife comes into play. You already given up your safe zone of distance. You haven’t a clue what pathogen you may be exposed to or level of fight. A threat of killing you is pretty serious in my world and I would treat it as a condition red situation.

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People threaten to kill people all the time and they are just talking smack. I for one can tell when a person is serious or not. Maybe you haven’t had the street experience I have. Freedom of speech applies to people with mental problems also. Maybe you will shoot someone just for saying I will kill you because that maybe the only excuse you need. I would never shoot an unarmed person if he’s just making threats.


This is a skill that the current group of folks ignore, perhaps on purpose in the interest of control or being controlled (no need to research or think

I don’t care what people say, but how they act. I don’t care what pronoun or perhaps offensive term you call me. It is irrelevant. I assume good intentions regardless of the presentation (and would like the same in return, but that ship has long sailed away).

We were lucky when the place we were in was held up. I suspect that the gun wan’t even loaded. The kid looked young, like 16 or younger. There was no back door, so we all just moved as far away as possible. It was heartbreaking to see the little girl behind the counter with a gun in her face. The kid probably got $50. Who teaches kids that this is a good approach on how to lead their lives?

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All of those are possible and maybe likely scenarios. Some have better fighting skills than others. To me, the greatest threat would, in fact be, the gift that keeps on giving. I don’t know what pathogen these guys are carrying and I don’t really want to find out.


I get your point.

I do however, weigh it in terms of is it really a threat to my life and limb. Although there is risk for me to catch an illness from an attacker’s ‘cooties’; For me, I’m not sure that there is such high enough risk (that can be treated medically), in the eyes of a court (judge & jury).

I ask myself, is that enough reason to use lethal force. Do I want to take risk of said cooties vs. jail time. Is “that” worth it per se. However, risk of life and limb – then I’d consider going lethal, God forbid I ever have to.

Mentioning this to the group, with all do respect, especially for those new to CCW. Thanks partner. Appreciate your post, good food for thought. :innocent:


No one has ever threatened to kill me and I am 66 years old. I am not sure where you have lived but I don’t take that threat lightly, especially from someone I don’t know who may have mental issues and not understand the ratification of a threat or an attack. The same would apply with being influenced by drugs. Maybe you’re a tough guy, but I’m well beyond the romp in the parking lot and refuse to be a victim. Now, I respect everyone’s freedom of speech, but again, when a stranger threatens to kill someone, that’s reason to bump up my level of preparedness.


I’m 69 yrs old with more health issues than I care to think about. If a homeless person( we used to call them bums) threatened to kill me I hope I would fall back on 10 + yrs of karate training and walk away. Words can hurt my feelings but a jail term can hurt my health. Think of how a jury would view such a case. Middle class guy with karate training, black belt 1st degree, plus a CCP going against a homeless person who may be stoned or mentally ill.


Take a drive down LV Blvd. and let me know how that might stack up against a 30 year old jacked up on meth. Whe you’re down on the asphalt you have given up your space and consequently, possibly your weapon. I don’t disagree with walk away, cross the street, call the cops, find an exit, but talking down a person with mental disease may not work out well. I again, choose not to allow myself or my wife be a victim. Sadly, the scenario we are discussing is very real when you look at what is going on in our city.

Deescalation is an important and highly underrated skill. The vast majority of threatening situations can be handled without violence. The trick is to recognize and be ready for the few that can’t.


Come to think of it, it is rather weird but common in downtown Salt Lake. It’s the threat the homeless guys use all of the time. Usually they are just talking trash but in the last few months there have been attacks, one was a knife, one was a tent pole, one was a rock, the last two were fatal. Our mayor and Chief of Police, both democrats, are not doing anything about any of this, in fact they are putting programs in place that will attract more.


That’s what is so beautiful about the USA also, freedom of choice. We all choose to do things differently.


If the irate homeless man had a bottle, baseball bat or anything else in his hand, which could be used as a weapon, I say you’re justified to draw your firearm and stop the threat. You don’t want to be struck with anything. Another scenario: you’re personally a man around 6 feet tall, probably over 200 pounds. You may feel you can handle a physical, hand to hand fight with this man. But, if you’re not big enough to struggle, and you can’t avoid this nut, I say you can use your concealed weapon, whether you’re a man or a woman.


Your career obviously put you into a different world than I experienced. God Bless you Sir. I sympathize with and support everyone in LE today and dealing with these issues.


Uptown /downtown, to me I guess depends on how the city is geographically located from you. If it’s on the hill above you, you’re going uptown and if it’s in the valley below you, you’re going downtown :man_shrugging:t3: