@Ted64 So, is Stormy Daniels a sex goddess? A friend wants to know. These friends! Referring to females in the video.
So, the video is interesting though. Good to find out about one’s ancestry. My ancestry has a very interesting history relating with high Royalty in Spain (King Fernando and Queen Isabela) all the way down to today’s King Felipe VI of Spain and with UK Kings and Queens all the way down to the late Queen Elizabeth and now King Charles.
was told my family name started with a Norman Knight that went to England with William the Conqueror…
from there kinda spreads to Scotland, Cherokee Nation, n so on…
Mothers side Scots Irish, Irish, Cherokee, n so on…
We always thought we were Deutsch. Great grandparents landed in NY in 1890s from Germany, wearing German clothes, eating German food, etc.
Then about two years ago, my dad and elder sister did the DNA test.
Turns out: 60% Irish/English; only 20% German and the rest Eastern European.
Go figure.
My ancestors were pirates…Arghh