The Threat of Nuclear War

Back in the day, we could and did! Our mission would be to find it and shadow it! Based on its size, a well qualified U.S. fast attack crew could hide underneath him for days. That thing will never accomplish a “crazy Ivan”! His missile capabilities will not allow him to go very deep!


Is the the one NATO designated “the Black Hole” that can cross directly over our sonar lines at the bottom of the ocean without us picking them up? My nightmare scenario includes a first strike from those subs off our coast with a note to our government that tells us any sort of retaliation would involve our annihilation.

Of course, after seeing how the rest of Russia’s military equipment is working in Ukraine, I am starting to have my doubts as to the efficacy of their subs.


I always thought the idea was to overwhelm the other guy, send 100’s of ICBM’s their way knowing that some would be disabled before making to their target. Nothing stealth about it just brute force.


There are some folks in charge in the US and Russia that seem to think a stealthy surprise first strike is a somehow winnable scenario. They believe that they can somehow take out all or most of the oppositions retaliatory capabilities before they have a chance to respond. A very dangerous and unlikely to succeed doctrine in my admittedly unqualified opinion.


I’m basically screwed… Icons overlap where I live…


50’s through 90’s russian missiles were very inaccurate, hence their focus on megatonnage. So a US suburban child did have a chance (a pretty good one) of avoiding the flash and radiation of a russian nuclear attack. The under the desk doubles for tornado and other disasters that may befall the building. Not justifying the actions, or belittling your experience. My initial point still hold true, we have no civilian plan now, we did in the 50’s through the 80’s. The civil defense plans were very good. Now we are told plutonium is so toxic can kill everyone on earth (not true, caffeine is 2X as toxic LD50 of Plutonium is 28 grams, caffeine 14 grams, not to say that you won’t contract cancer much later in life from plutonium.) We are also told shelter in place and wait for gov’t assistance, my guess one will be waiting a long long time. TV will not work, most radio stations wont, cell phone forget about it too (not due to emp necessarily, but loss of radio and cell towers, loss of cable and satellite infrastructure.)


Me as well, me as well! We will go out like a magician’s wave of his wand! poof! and a puff of smoke.


Nope, actually it was the Russian submarine Krasnodar ( but your close both are modified Oscar II class boats ) that evaded detection during exercises off the coast of Libya, when it submerged and was lost by NATO forces! It was Putin sales pitch to Egypt as the most silent of submarines!
Furthermore, I don’t think the SOSUS array is in use anymore due to technological advances and too many false alarms.

The Belgorod mission was to lay a sonar array and communication cables at the Arctic, so I’ve heard!


I’ve lived my entire three-score-and-ten as a “nuclear hostage” - there’s no mystery to solve here. Undisguised threats to use military force used to be described as “saber-rattling”, especially after weapons delivery systems became more sophisticated, and MAD became the norm. An Indian chief - Chief Joseph of the Nez Perce, I believe - said that we were smart, but not wise, and would wake up one day to find that we’d fouled our own beds.


Best representation of a sonar ping ever created, long story short. Nothing pisses of a submarine captain more than a false contact, reported by sonar to be too close for comfort, like inside your own boats torpedo tube! My bad! Played it inside the torpedo tube underway.
Was the first and last time I smelled the captains breath! I was permanently detached from my boom box for the duration of the patrol!
A good time was had by all.

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The only reason i am think nuclear war is possible at this time is few can remember a nuclear test or being told to hide under their desks in school. The world has been sanitized to a point were a mean tweet is condidered an assault worthy of jail time. This leads to the belief that first strike wins, since the opposition will be utterly demoralized. MAD worked because both sides were acutely aware of the consequences and believed without a doubt the other side would retaliate.


That’s not really a bad idea, you never know who’s in a public shelter and the risk they might pose.

As for having a hardened shelter one doesn’t need to be a millionaire to have one, they are not too hard to build and used ones can be had at reasonable prices.

In the wireless industry they are known as prefabricated communications huts.

They are factory built poured concrete buildings which can be transported to site on a wide load trailer, once there they can be fastened to a pre-poured concrete slab, they can handle wind loads over 175 MPH.

Quite commonly they are covered on the outside with Chattahoochee because that covering is resistant to sprayed on graffiti, but it also reduces the buildings EPA.

They make really good storm shelters and all that would be needed to turn one into a bomb shelter would be to close up the coaxial cable entrance bulkhead.

This is what Chattahoochee looks like.

This is a current list of used ones from just one surplus property company.


On the upside, you won’t have to replace your microwave. Just set your food outside the shelter for a couple minutes, stir and serve.


The US, UK and Russia agreed to protect Ukraine when Ukraine relinquished their nuclear weapons for safety of the world
so there really isn’t anything to worry about, right? Right?


Exactly! Just like those promises they make to keep us safe if we’ll simply turn in our black rifles.


Interesting you bring that topic up. Missile Silos and Hardened facilities, ground level explosions, lots of fallout. Cities airburst, so city knocked down and incinerated, fallout too, but not as much. EMP, no fallout, 1 weapon detonated 100 miles above Oklahoma or Kansas, numerous transformers blown, 2 years needed before the first replacements can be expected assuming we are the only ones attacked.


Why should Putin risk nuclear war when he can just blow up a dam?
That way, he gets all the destruction, without international retaliation.
And best of all, he can claim the Ukrainians did it.

Ukraine war: Zelensky accuses Russia of plot to blow up dam - BBC News


At my Elementary School in Chicago during the Cuban Missile Crisis, I noted that Air Raid Drills were the same a Tornado Drills.