The Secret Service USED to be an Elite Agency

I can’t know this is 100% accurate. But if it is. Dayuuum. Criminal sanctions, penalties, and jail time need to be handed out.

I posted this on the assassination thread also. But this seems more appropriate here.


Reported on from a reliable Federal Agency source.


Still not hearing a damn thing from the “Authorities” about any of this. From what we can see with our own eyes, They Knew there was a guy with a gun up there and did nothing until after the shoots were fired.


Welcome Nathan!

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Welcome William 1126

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oops my bad! lets blame the politicians for that???


hmmm this is interesting and makes ya wonder…

Now, explosives are more tightly controlled than guns are. While we don’t know what kind of explosives this dipstick had, we know he had them. He also had bomb-making materials in his house.

So if he couldn’t have gotten a gun, does anyone think he wouldn’t have still tried to carry out some kind of attack? It seems like he at least had a Plan B in the works, one that involved a bomb to some degree or another.

And none of the explosive controls on the books did jack squat.

The problem is, again, that he wanted to kill Trump for whatever reason. The fact that he used an AR-15 is largely irrelevant. A Bernie Bro tried to kill a number of Republican congressmen with an SKS in Alexandria a while back. An AR-15 is just a firearm and it just happened to be misused in this case just like the SKS was misused in that case.

It’s not the tool. It’s the tool using it.

It always has been and always will be.

The Independent Latches Onto Would-Be Assassin’s Use of AR-15


These are panic and desperate moves from the Left.


The left is backed into a corner, and they will fight until the end. All of these oddities are no coincidence. A 12 year old who has played any video game would have had that building covered. The fact that the sniper was not authorized to act tells me everything I need to know. Plus, I am not convinced this 20 year old kid could make that shot under pressure. I am guessing he had help. There are too many things that just don’t make sense. It is no different than JFK, MLK, RFK, and Reagan. The tactics never change.


99% of the population has “bomb making materials” in the household. Like anything else it’s a lovely phrase that means squat. Now did have actual BOMBS? That is another story…


I have heard there was no ladder, and the cop got a boost up to the roof on top of another cop. When the cop on top peeked over the roof, the shooter aimed his rifle at the cop from a prone position. The cop ducked and fell off the shoulders of the other cop.

Who knows?


I could not have said it better. The boss needs to go back to pepsi and get out of anything in law enforcement.


@Milton19 Welcome to our community, we are glad to have you with us. :slightly_smiling_face:
We are living in interesting times…




And the boss says it was an epic fail, the buck stops with her….

And like every loser it this administration, looking squarely at their own incompetence, she ain’t quitting…


Thanks for the link. The best comment I read in that link said sin is so ugly, looking at her picture I can see what that comment was referring to.


I wanted to know why they raised Trump up from behind the podium with an active shooter yet to be neutralized. They should have kept him down until the shooter was neutralized and they were given the all clear. It looked like amateur night at the Appollo out there.


Welcome Jose!

Welcome Milton!

There are so many questions unanswered for me about this whole thing. Was he the only shooter? We always think there was only one shooter then years later we find out there was more than one shooter as was the case with John & Bobby Kennedy and Martin Luther King. There is a photograph going around of the bullet itself whizzing by Trumps head in slow motion. If you look at that photo the bullet appears to be parallel to the ground horizontally. If the shooter was up on a roof wouldn’t the bullet be angled towards the ground? Was the platform Trump was standing on 15ft high so that his head was parallel to the roof? So many questions in my mind.