The Secret Service USED to be an Elite Agency

Now it’s just another DEI casualty. The head off the SS came from PepsiCo, NO experience whatsoever.

Interesting article on the subject: Biden DEI Push In Secret Service Led To Unqualified Agents, One Of Whom Threw Tampons At Her Boss In Unhinged Rage

Never mind that they allowed a shooter on a rooftop to fire at Trump. That is itself is the CF of the decade.

Watching the video of the agents trying to get Trump into the car was exasperating at the very least. One obviously out of shape female couldn’t even successfully holster her gun and obviously had no clue what she needed to do. She must be in charge of donuts and coffee. Actually looking at the team it’s obvious most of the agents with Trump haven’t done a sit-up in years.


it’s a freaking disgrace…


I’ve commented in several posts and threads about her. When I saw the first video of her attempting to holster. I didn’t realize it was from that event. My anxiety was off the charts as I was waiting for that ND.

I have other comments but they would come off as nasty and mean spirited so I’m going to :see_no_evil: :hear_no_evil: :speak_no_evil:


Caught that as well. Screaming at the TV.
My grandkids can handle the stress more efficiently.
I have to admit, they had an experienced teacher!


I am with you 1,000% wow, what a Cluster of events. A novice can check for roof threats by just doing… a-“if i was a shooter where could i get the best shot off and evad quietly”… kind of walk through. Ugh. A simple “perimeter check” and “look-see”. But God is not done yet! And Trump is still with us.


This happened after “shooter down, shooter down” and also after Trump was inside of the vehicle, and she was one of the up close and personal “human shield” agents putting bodies around trump while the reactionary force/tac team/swat/whatever with rifles and overt plate carriers and all that were actively overwatching the situation, yes?

Why does she need to have her gun out?

Are we going to condemn the male officers who were right there in the midst of this who had their pistols in their holsters at this exact moment?


Welcome Jose to the Community.


I’d like to present an exhibit of how bias/perspective/whatever can lead to two entirely different views of the same thing

From the main assassination attempt thread, a well received post included:

From the linked daily wire article

" Video after the shooting shows numerous female Secret Service agents struggling in a crowd filled with larger men. One fumbles with her gun, while another adjusts her sunglasses."


Thank you Karen55


SS sniper took the shooter out in just a few seconds, so he must have had a bead on the shooter before the shooter took the shots. Question is: Why did the sniper not take out the shooter immediately on sighting?


Welcome Jose_A8.

Not the first time there has been high profile such acts from a higher elevation or rooftop.

Did they report that there was a ladder propped up against that building leading to that roof top yesterday?

I can see everyone’s point, as there was loss, and forever sadness. But also, there could have been even more loss, had any one more of his bullets reached another person, such as literately less than an inch from Trump’s head.

Very compelling to us all.


Shooter down has never meant threat is over. NO guns should have been holstered until the principal is GONE and the site is secured. Yes they are idiots too…


One call Of “Shooter down” does NOT mean ALL shooters are down.



I’m not convinced every agent out there needs to have their gun in their hand the entirety of that time, which is perhaps why many do not, as they clearly have different tasks and not every task is to shoot

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What else did SHE have to do besides bumble around with a shocked look on her face while trying to remember where her holster was!


Or is she someone who doesn’t carry with one in the chamber because the gun might just go off all on its own?


I wouldn’t begin to claim to know what the specific tasks of specific secret service personnel assigned to a former president are in a specific situation.

But I think reason and logic and watching the video tells us there are a lot of tasks and not all of those tasks are shooting or require a gun in your hand.

I think we can also see she is active and not bumbling around shocked while moving Trump from the podium position to the vehicle, leading up to the “oh my God she didn’t get the gun into her holster perfectly in a real life or death shots fired active shooter situation she must be incompetent because she’s a woman”


And exactly when did I attribute this to her being a woman. Once again your reading comprehension needs work.

I oppose ANY requirement that includes anything but physical capabilities, skills and training as a precursor or driver for hiring into the SS. Actually my daughter (10 years is SF Command) would have been stellar in that role.

An outfit that is supposed to protect the most important head of state in the world should be flawless in capabilities and training. They should be IN SHAPE and flawlessly trained!

I believe that anyone that is to be considered for this role should have at least 10 years of military and/or LE experience AND has seen COMBAT and is in peak physical shape and can pass a RIGOROUS physical abilities test. And I couldn’t give a hoot what their sex is.

BUT putting in a quota of recruits based on sex is just stupid at best and a disservice to the Office of the President.

I hope that is clear enough.


That was the main argument put forth by the article you linked when you started this thread.

Do you disagree with the article you linked?

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The article I linked is ONE example of what I’m talking about and it’s only meant to illustrate the diminishing in SS capabilities directly attributable to DEI leadership with ZERO experience and DEI hiring quotas. Your ability to extrapolate and try to assign to what I state points and angles I have NOT stated is absolutely uncanny.


You posted an article lambasting female agents while calling out a specific female agent claiming she had no clue what she needed to do and said she must be “in charge of donuts and coffee”