Terrorist attack here again within the next 5 years



We need a bigger corner, we can’t all fit. :sunglasses:


Indeed, Don. Just realize that not everyone of us, is one of us.


5 years? Nah. Within the next year me thinks. Possibly before this years election???


No Sir not (5) Years Brother deranged

As you just stated and Brother Scott above also (5) months (maybe sooner)
There is said to be a shake-up coming w/ Puddin’ on the fast track to an ‘Accident’
The Demon’s are like ping pong balls bouncing all over the place on a replacement
from bad to worse. They are trotting out Kamel-toe, then Nuisense to Mike Obama,
to Liz Bat sh** crazy to ‘Ling Ling’ the wonder dog.
My belief is as soon as reality strikes them (and I know that’s asking a lot from them)
They will realize their chances of Defeating El Presidente Donaldo Trumpo they will
start the Carnage. With all the Worlds Terrorists assembled Inside our lines,
It’s Not a question anymore IF but WHEN.
It wasn’t bad (troubling but not 5 alarm fire bad) w/ the Migrants
But when the Tier One players: Muslims, Syrian’s, South of the Border maniac’s started to appear
that was awful, BUT the Cancerous Maraschino Cherry on top for me was the Chinese!
that was a ding ding ding ding ding moment!
Just for giggles Troopers, Hunter is set to Testify Feb 28TH, Election Fraud is said to be brought out in the open Feb 28th, Pudding had a Brain fart (again) last week and almost fell up the stairs again yesterday
The dye is set, you back the RATS in a corner and their gonna fight.

The Only Easy day was yesterday


Is it that only so few know so much! Or is it that only so few care so much!!


So, it just happens that the next total solar eclipse that happens in the US is on April 8th this year which also happens to be the last day of Ramadan. I’m from Chicago (hopefully not much longer) and I’m going to Texas to view this celestial event. I was going to go to Radar Base, but then all the news about Eagle Pass came up and I realized that it was too close. There’s going to be a lot of gatherings, I think an Oct 7th like attack could occur at any/all these events. I hear an “Aloha Snackbar” and I am going to open fire!


Do be careful Brother
Head on a swivel please!


That has to be the dumbest statement that has even been coined.

How so? It is just a reference to being situationally aware, which is very important. It is not meant to be taken literally.


he probably took it literally. :roll_eyes:


unfortunately, I fear you are correct. I also read today that if Buck Fiden looses the democrats plan on not certifying pres trump


The country has been on edge for an entire election cycle. It could continue for another election cycle. Leo23 you could be right, but respectfully I’d like to point out that there may not be imminent open armed conflict.

  1. Communists are patient.
  2. Bribes have been working.
  3. Normies need to go about their business.
  4. Sports and entertainment offer needed distraction.
  5. Fighters are concealed among lots of migrants who really are average, nonthreatenting people who, if they remain poor and can’t adapt, may respond to communist appeal, which takes time.
  6. Aware officials may recognize the seriousness of the threat but be unable to quantify it or to fortify, and may cave.
  7. The threat of an attack can accomplish goals without implementing an actual attack.
  8. Wouldn’t it be more profitable to control the US with minimal property damage?

I think the country has been intentionally put on edge since 9/11. Actually it has been intentionally placed on edge since the communist scare of the 1950’s and probably before that as well. Fear gives the people in power much greater control as the fearful people let them get away with taking more and more of our rights away in the name of safety and security.

I’m not saying we won’t eventually be attacked. The actions of our corrupt and incompetent leadership over the past many decades make an attack more likely every day. But I am far more fearful of our corrupt leaders’ response to an attack than I am of whatever attack eventually happens.


President Trump can and has been judicial and precise in counterattacking our enemies. Brandon, however has a temper and has a tendency to wag that finger and miss his target!
( not that it’s actually his finger on the trigger ) Command and Control is one thing pressing the button/turning the key is another. Hopefully there are more competent people that have actual possession of nuclear weapons!
Consider the dilemma in the movie Crimson Tide!

If I’m right the current a$$ in the White House has about ten minutes to react to incoming ICBM’s, I don’t think he’s capable of making a breakfast decision in 30 minutes!
It will take 30 minutes for an ICBM to reach us if launched by land and 5 - 7 minutes if launched by submarine!

What’s most unfortunate is we have to wait until a nuke has been detonated before we can strike back. The pedophile will take as much time as he did when the Chinese balloon surveilled the United States! Luckily we have a “two man rule” in effect, except, Brandon is only half a man! You do the math.
By then we’ll all be ded! Ded I tell’ya!


yep like after 9/11 and the bush administration


I agree with much of your assessment of Biden though as you pointed out he is not the one in charge anymore so we can only guess at who is making the calls and what calls they would make.

I think nuclear war, while certainly possible, given that the U.S. is currently fighting a proxy war against Russia using Ukrainian bodies is on the lower end of the probability scale. Attacks on our fragile infrastructure or with bio warfare make a lot more sense. Then our enemies can just sit back and watch our leaders and the unprepared masses destroy what is left of the American dream.

Unlike most everyone else here I don’t share your faith that Trump will save us. His personality type and actions remind me of several I have had the misfortune of dealing with over the years. I would not want any of them in charge of defending my freedom. He is nowhere near the spawn of Satan many on the left make him out to be but I don’t believe he isn’t a part of the corruption plaguing our country or that he would put the countries best interests ahead of his own if he had to choose between the two.


Being an EX New Yorker, I understand Trumps NY state of mind.
Consider the nation as the mother of a de capo mafia leader. Her son is Trump, he would give his life for her, but if she crossed him, he wouldn’t think twice! I almost think of Trump as Tony Soprano and Biden as Bozo!

Trump believes in three things, not necessarily, in the following order. Money or the ability to make it, not steal it, family and friends, and, IMHO, the nation!
And he gets the job done. The funk in the White House can’t wipe his a$$! Trump has been working and accomplishing more with his hands cuffed than I’ve accomplished in my whole life.
Should he be there four years after he’s elected in 2024, NO! After things get back to normal and fair or on an even keel, then it’s time for someone younger and that has the country in the forefront!

Personally I don’t think we’re going to make it. The election is already fixed.
Our country usually rights what is wrong, today it’s ALL wrong. That will take more than one man and four years. It’s going to take a generation!
I don’t have that long, I won’t get the chance to teach my great, great granddaughter how to shoot!


We will have to agree to disagree on Trump’s goals and motivations.


I knew two things for sure, I liked making money and my wife was safe when she went out for a morning jog!