I thought it would be nice to have a discussion about tactics criminals use to put you at ease to approach you. Also what is the most common technique they use in your area? I’m in central KY and can’t think of something except the “shark bump”. My biggest concern are tactics used to gain entry into your home or if I’m out with my lady to watch for.
Any good advice besides don’t look like food and you won’t be eaten?
I have the mind set of there really aren’t bad people there are people that do bad things. If I think someone is going to do something bad I either try to talk them out of it or avoid them.
IMO = If your letting a stranger get within arms length without asking them to stand back or you backing up ( wrong ). I’m also carful about approaching other people.
@William191 WOW!! OKAY, WHERE DO WE START!! Let’s go CLEARLY to every State across the Country, and I guess including “central KY”, I don’t know, so, criminal tactics, ease to approach, big concerns, tactics gaining home entry, out with the lady, etc… Good advice is it’s been spoken many times “SITUATIONAL AWARENESS”. Many out there across the country who have a great job, nice income, drive nice vehicles, have a nice home, live in a nice neighborhood, or RETIRED, ALREADY so many ARE FOOD TO EAT!!! That’s why criminals have the BEST JOBS AND THEY ARE GOOD AT WHAT THEY DO! When they are out and about, they are already HUNTING for their PREY, whether walking around the hood, or cruising around in a SUPER DARK TINTED WINDOW vehicle, checking to see who comes by to the ATM, cruising along the shopping centers, and this discussion can go on and on and on. WE all just have to be alert, and be aware of our surroundings everywhere we go no matter where we are day and night, because these SCUMBAGS are EVERYWHERE!!
I posted on here a while back about a guy that approached me at the entrance to a parking lot. I was stopped, scanning my access card when he walk quickly towards my drivers side door saying “How you going to pay how you going to pay, I work here”. Certainly a shark bump since I have an access card and we don’t have parking lot attendants. I simply responded with “Get the “F***” back”, he kept approaching but a little slower, so again I said “Stop M*****F****R!” By then he was almost stopped about 3-4 feet from my car, the gate opened and I pulled in.
And there it is.
I don’t worry much about what others think of me. Even less with strangers. If they think I’m nuts, that can be a good thing.
When out think of everyone as possible attackers.Not real worried where I live…Population is seventy…lol.In the area though are thousands of meth heads looking to steal.To bad that evil crap doesn’t disappear.The theft rate would disappear with them.
If you see two ppl on a moto coming your way that’s a definite sign to make yourself prepared.
But I guess, it’s just keep your eyes and ears open around you when you’re out. I do that already the best I can. Looking for something that would give me more time to get ready and decide a course of action.
Is that a big thing here? I know it’s basically code red basically if you’re in south america and see two males on a motorcycle headed your way, Brazil especially.
A person that was standing/idle who starts moving after seeing you or after you pass.
Any stranger that walks right at you.
A group, even just a pair, who split up in a way that will result in any of them being on your flank or rear.
Hands in pockets or pants when there isn’t an obvious cold weather purpose for it.
Furtive glances/looks, possibly checking for witnesses or making sure accomplices are ready
I think most of these things, and more, are recognized instinctively by most people so long as said person is paying attention throughout.
All good advice. I read someone who used a throw down wallet. A cheap wallet that has like 5 bucks and useless stuff. Take the wallet and throw it then run when confronted. If you are in a community where you feel the need for that then you have bigger problems.