Superbowl Parties - Will You Be Watching?

Even though the Packers won’t be in the Superbowl (booo), there are plenty of people hosting Superbowl parties today. Parties at private residences can be fun and relaxed and allow you to carry even if others are partaking in alcoholic beverages.

What risks/benefits do you see with parties at private residences?

What tips do you have for carrying at private residence parties?


Your topic question, no I don’t care to watch baseball and know very little about it.

Risk/Benfits, Risks, I guess if you know everyone there and they are all family you would know if Uncle Buck is a drinking violent fool and everyone hates that he’s there and has been known to be aggressive at such things. Don’t invite him any more. If it’s a party and you don’t know everyone there, it never hurts to live in the yellow. Profile the guests there that you don’t know. The guy sitting there (I say guy as it statistically is never a lady) yelling at the TV with others yelling at the TV with his 1 year old on his lap has a low probability of violence. The guy wide eyed, swearing, animated, drunk (Alcohol is usually a factor), yelling at the TV and others, may very well be of higher risk.

The benefit of a private party at a residence is you more than likely know everyone and it will be more fun, daahhh. :slight_smile:

As far as carry at a private residence party, I carry all the time. Party or no party, someone could come blowing through the front door who knows a guest and is disgruntled with them for any reason, football game or not.

In my line of work based on the circumstances I sometimes add a non-lethal weapon to my EDC. OC spray. OC spray is something that would be on my belt loop in this particular circumstance.


I’m not a sports fan. I can’t believe what the masses are okay with paying (because THEY are paying for it themselves) people whose main skill is being able to throw, catch, chase, or run with a ball. These seems like $100k/year jobs with free travel and notoriety.

We’re not big party goers and generally don’t like to be around crowds, so it isn’t an issue for me.

Party at your own risk…and have fun!


Nope will not be watching. Could care less. Going to the range instead


We have invited another couple over. The game will be on, and I’m recording it, but only so I can watch the commercials later.


My wife records for commercials, and then we watch the puppy bowl on animal planet during halftime. Since free agency, the team is never the same from year to year.

Now in the 70’s w/o free agency, I was a die hard fan of the Steelers. That one Coke commercial with “Mean” Joe Greene.


Reruns of Andy Griffith, I Dream of Jeannie, Gilligan’s Island, commercials anything but liberal propaganda! Adam Schiff going down in flames…
Not a football fan, even if I was I wouldn’t watch. Television has turned everything into a liberal soapbox. There’s more politics on prime time than there is on C-Span.


That’s how I’m feeling haha :rofl:

but on a good note: LSU has 5 former players between both teams out there.


I won’t watch not a chance, if I want commercials I can get them on YouTube. I will never watch a bunch of Bloomberg’s lies and moreover Deceitfulness, after what Democrats have done to our country these last 37 months No Way will I watch that game. The NFL is siding with the commercial shame on Roger Goodell for selling out to that man.


I saw what you did there :rofl: :rofl: I said similar when asked this question at work Friday except I said Hockey. :rofl: :stuck_out_tongue: :upside_down_face:




My wife does get tired of this joke of mine. :slight_smile:


It’s sad to see people so disgruntled that they can’t even watch a football game…maybe, just maybe, it’s ok to disagree and still carry on…after all, it is a game about two opposing teams, men (players), on the direct orders of other men (coaches), in a heated battle…sort of a real life chess game if you will. But the best part, are the handshakes at the end, the congratulations. Sure, great pain and sadness may be felt by some, but knowing the way it’s all set up brings a bit of comfort, for they all know there will be another game, another chance to prevail.

Politics is politics, a monster in itself…let’s not let it devour our ability to socialize.


One of the few ways to make your voice heard, by an entity as large as the NFL, is to boycott it’s product.

Like I mentioned before, we record it for the commercials, and then we watch the “Puppy Bowl”.

If I had to say I was a “fan” nowadays, it would be of TB12, I still haven’t watched a game or Superbowl in 10+ years. I just log in and check to see who won it, the next morning. Then I will check YouTube for commercials and watch our recording of the Puppy Bowl. Televised Sports, just doesn’t do much for me. I do watch the Olympics though. I enjoyed it much more when only non professional athletes competed.


maybe try watching this year, if you liked the game once upon a time, there’s a good chance you may again…a lot of talent on the field now a days, pretty cool to watch, along with really intelligent coaching it’s still “The greatest game in the world”


Over paid worthless people. Nothing to see here move along


Are we talking football or the Olympics?

I enjoy the Olympics, the NFL not so much.


I felt that bro!

So true!!


Not watching. Never was into the game of football anyway.



The greatest thing about the Super Bowl being over is …


