St. Louis Couple Charged With a Crime | Into the Fray - USCCA

Welcome, @Saulmark!

I haven’t posted in a while but you have inspired me because I agree with you 100%.

Some people in the community do not realize — or understand — that you can be charged with brandishing on your own property (which I have tried to explain.) People also don’t seem to understand that you can’t just point your gun at people for trespassing or — in some cases — for entering your home. You have to respond appropriately based on the threat and be able to articulate that in the defense of your actions. See this thread:

It’s also important to note that Kevin Michalowski said in the video that he doesn’t care about whether or not what they did was right or wrong. He’s simply making a point that they have to face the consequences of their actions, right or wrong. He’s just being a salesman for USCCA.

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