Speaking of Locking up your guns

No Dude. Ridiculous!

Mod’s. take this off of here!


Ignorance isn’t bliss, in this case it could be dangerous, to you and others because of unconstitutional “red flag laws”. There’s no talking to these people because they think they are the elite, and they know they are never wrong. In my family, we are like minded individuals who believe in the constitution, it’s most of the young ones who went to college and the in-laws that drink the koolaid that has made them the elite. Hahahahahahahaha… :sweat_smile::rofl::joy:


Took it down myself. Sorry if you found it offensive. It was a poor excuse at humor and sarcasm.


Ok, Accepted. :people_hugging:
You made me a bit nervous there…




Right out of the Biden AFT handbook. Parts and pieces ARE guns.


Now I’m sorry I missed it.


I took my sister to a 4 day handgun class at Front Sight, which she was terrified at first, but greatly enjoyed overall. Subsequently, she attended more class and actually purchased her own handgun (a full size Walther), holster and all the usual gear and extra mags.


Thank you for your service. I appreciate your sacrifice in serving the country.


I can’t remember what it was! :thinking:


My sympathies! The leftist liberal derangement is akin to a mental disorder. Like living with someone who is suffering from Alzhimers.


I know the feeling.


BeanCounter is absolutely correct: “Red Flag Laws.” This is exactly the kind of scenario in which they will be used in the near future. Sis-in-law will call the police and scream about it, making wild, crazy statements containing zero truth. The next night at 2:30 a.m. a SWAT team will come crashing in, toss flash grenades, shoot the barking gray-haired, grossly overweight 13 year old family dog, scare the visiting grandchildren so badly that for years to come they will be frightened to go to bed, have nightmares when they do finally pass out, wet the bed, and grow up hating police officers, then steal the legally “kept” and “borne” firearms from the family, then after their shift gather at the local bar to laugh and joke about it all.

If you live in Texas, please help me find a real man, someone who has courage, grit, honesty, intelligence and a love and respect for our God-given, Constitutionally-protected freedoms to run against RINO John Cornyn and run that gutless wonder traitor out of office.


She would have to be put in a straight jacket and placed in a padded room if she came in my house. Let it be know i have no kids and kids are not allowed in my house. None of my weapons are in plane sight, but its not unusual to have ammo or mag laying on the table. In one room i have a reloader which means there is gun powder, primers, shell casings and bullets sitting on storeage shelves and the bench. There is one that lays in the window seal by my bed i can reach if woke up in the middle of the night or a nap.

Raymond Rasco


@Raymond135 Welcome to our community, we are glad to have you here. :slightly_smiling_face:


Trust no one. Never tell or show anyone anything. Deny everything if asked. Just because you are paranoid doesn’t mean you are mistaken. We are being hunted…to extinction. Always, always, always carry.


I heard a conversation about the 2A right after the Supreme Court ruling. The guy pretty much said he was sure glad that the SCOTU had finally made the right decision blah blah blah. After he walked away a couple of the people standing there looked at each other, nodding our heads, this guy is as far left anti 2A as it gets. He was just trying to pull people in to expose themselves.


I am sorry you’re related to someone who is so brainless and disrespectful to our Constitution. You should try to have an intervention and hopefully educate her to the reality of gun ownership and what is protecting her freedom and rights.


The only thing I see is something in the baggie that looks as if it might be a magazine but I can’t tell for sure although I magnified it as much as I could. Perhaps some clarity was lost in the magnification. Was it a magazine in a baggie on the table?

If that was the object of her alarm, I don’t think a magazine under any stretch of the definition qualifies as a firearm. I sure wouldn’t want to pull a magazine out and point it at a bad guy holding a knife or other dangerous implement. I might feel like the line from The Godfather where Sonny tells — I don’t remember who — he doesn’t want Michael coming out from the toilet with a part of his anatomy in his hand.

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Thats exactly what I think she saw. There we have it, not educated on what an actual gun looks like. If she saw these she may have had a heartattack.