South Dakota Pheasant hunt

I haven’t posted in awhile, time sort of slips by when you’re in your mid-70’s. Every year around this time I head up to Aberdeen SD for a few days of chasing wild pheasants around. At 75 it’s getting tougher, but I’m still holding up my end. I’m writing this because this hunt was unusual and maybe good lord and mother nature decided to cut me some slack. The weather was great, light wind and 40’s. The dogs were excited. However, it was the birds that were crazy good. You can start hunting at 10am to harvest your 3 rooster limit each day. The first day my younger friend and I were the only two hunting. We started at 10:15 and had our 6 bird limit by 11am. Neither of us missed a bird, that is crazy good and the labs were great in their retrieving. The next day my buddies wife joined us and again we started about 10:15 and finished with our 9 rooster limit just before noon. We did miss a few birds, but the dogs found all we knocked down. The really unusual thing was we only put one hen in the air over both days. I have never seen that happen before.


Good stuff brother man.


Wait a second :eyes:. You kill birds? That’s deplorable.
Sounds like a good couple of days out. Congrats.


Only the ones with feathers…


No worries, they only killed the birds with racist names. :rofl:


Congrats on a great hunt! I grew up hunting bobwhite’s and pheasant. My sainted Ad would rather bird hunt than eat. Unfortunately the quail in our area are about gone. I’ve not seen a bird in a few years. Heard one early in the morning a couple months ago, but that’s the only time this year.


Being from Alabama I too am a quail hunter. I own some property near Union Springs. There was atime that was the quail hunters dream area! Here’s my last English Setter from a few decades back.


@William220 Great, healthy looking Pheasant. Glad you guys had a fantastic hunt! :+1: :yum:


Those Labs look like they are having a Great Time, They are SMILING and Proud.


I hunted out there a few years ago
between Ipswich and Aberdeen
a place called cravens corners
over 2000 acres farm
the best part was the orchard behind the farm house :grin:


Back in my day I could walk the fields for hours. Now I can’t walk them at all. I miss being out in the fresh air and although we didn’t have dogs we at least got one or two birds (the older slower ones). Glad you can still enjoy the day. Stay well, go with God.


Thank You, we never know when we will be called home. We are never guaranteed tomorrow. As long as the good lord see fit I’ll return to his fields every chance I get. God Bless!


Good for you and enjoy the time you are out there. The spirit of every hunter walks with you when you are in the field. good shooting, K.