Somewhere, John Wayne is laughing

The last motion picture I watched was My Big Fat Greek Wedding at the insistence of my daughter. I don’t remember how long ago that was.

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I just saw this last night Awsome movie.

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Quentin Tarantino protégé?
When does it come out on blu-ray?

July 11th
Half way through it I was laughing because it is so over the top crazy :rofl:


It was entertaining, and they were warned.

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Sounds like this administration!


I don’t know why the right is hating on the new Indiana Jones. I saw it and there’s nothing woke in it. Maybe because Disney owns the rights to it (even though Lucas Film produced it)? Those on the left don’t care for it probably because there’s nothing woke; and those two factors, at least to my mind, explain why it’s not doing well financially. *shrug


Folks on the hard right can be as unreasonable and as tunnel-visioned as those on the hard left. Those of us in the middle just sit and shake our heads at both of them.


Folks on the left are mocking the new Indiana Jones, too. I don’t think anyone has a reason. Social media told them to hate it, I guess?

Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right…


Are you sure about your statement of John Wayne in drag?

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I think you nailed it. People didn’t get outraged about things that don’t affect them until social media came along. Social media has provided a platform for those who want to divide us, and they’re finding it’s very effective.


I am also into movies big time we start with DVD/Blu-ray and now have at least a couple hundred of them. Then we went VUDU which is a free service that you can purchase through and save digital copies all you need is an internet service. Now we have over 3 hundred titles on there.

What is you favorite western?

So we’re stuck in the middle with you?


My wife watches that movie every so often