Somebody on the street asks for money, What would you do?

Hooah!! Brother :us:


I guess Iā€™m hardcore on this subject and Iā€™ve got my reasons.If you can stand out in the cold/ hot/ weather all day to freeload my guess is your lazy ass can work.Approaching me on the street ainā€™t wiseā€¦thatā€™s why Iā€™m very seldom on a street.


I usually say no thanks and if I am not doing anything will start a conversation. I am no more afraid of people on the street than that are of me.

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Got to speak to one that was willing to when I lived in Ft Lauderdale for a while. They are organized, have maps, schedules, a meeting place and a newsletter.


I saw this quite frequently in New Orleans, I had runaway from an abusive home, and was living pretty hand to mouth. This guy had a house, and drove a Mercedes. I once talked to him about it, he had tried to recruit me to panhandle for him in exchange for Room and Board. He had 5-6 people, most of them teens, he would pick up and drop off in a big van, and they had spots that they claimed and would run people off from. He was really organized. I didnā€™t want anything to do with him or his people because I knew a couple of them were trading in sex work as well.

Itā€™s why if I am asked for help for food or drink. I will buy food or drink.


My family and I saw this recently: We were in a Wal Mart. Came out of the store to hear beautiful violin music and a guy with an electric violin and speaker. He had a sign out asking for money in the name of Jesus (yes, we were in the Bible belt, so that name automatically gets you money). Needed money for diapers, blah, blah, blah.

My son plays four instruments, my daughter plays one, my wife has played. They all sing and read music. They took one look at this guy and said what he was doing on his violin does not match the music at all. He was clearly playing canned music while pretending to play an instrument. Even me, with no musical acumen, could look at him, pay a bit of attention and realize they were right.

I was very tempted to go over and ask him if he took requests and toy with him a bit, but I didnā€™t have the time.

Yes. I immediately thought of this thread.


Im sorry I donā€™t carry cash


I told a homeless guy I didnā€™t have any cash, He said ā€œWait, hereā€™s my VENMO Numberā€¦ā€.


On 4-5 occasions I have allowed someone to use the MIL suite in my home to help someone get onto their feet. A dancer in New Orleans helped me get my feet under me. The club she worked at would give me a meal in exchange for helping clean up. She let me crash on her couch. But I had to stop letting someone into my home once my daughter was born. My charitable giving of $$ is used for different animal rescues. If I help some random off the street I will buy them food/drink/gas etc. if they are vets I will again make direct food purchases etc.