Smith & Wesson Gets Booted Off Facebook

Clearly Facepalm… I mean Facebook doesn’t care about the 1st amendment any more than they do the 2nd amendment. This is just further proof that they do not deserve section 230 protections.


Also see.

Popular gun manufacturer thanks Elon Musk after being suspended by Facebook–'Smith and…you know dat other guy! - News & Current Events - USCCA Community


Fenix Ammunition was demonitized on X yesterday. The liberals will do anything they can to “fight back.”


I buy from fenix whenever i can. Good product, not PC and they dont back down.

Im still pissed at smith for that hillary hole cuz they caved. Love their revolvers but not sure if i will ever buy a new gun from them again


Question. Why were they on the FB?


Same reason USCCA started a community. :money_mouth_face: :money_mouth_face: :dollar: :dollar: :money_mouth_face: :money_mouth_face:


From my understanding, it was not a matter of caving as much as a matter of survival. They were under different ownership then, and losing money. The administration was pushing very hard for “safety” features like biometric locks, and S&W was being told that if they didn’t do something, they would lose all government contracts. That loss would have been the nail in their coffin, so they picked the least intrusive and most reliable route to minimally meet the government requirement, thus the action lock.

I can forgive them for doing what they needed to to survive. I have one smith with the lock and it’s a total non issue. If I wanted to, it’s very easy to remove, and it’s hard to argue against the quality of their revolvers or their importance in the US gun industry. We need Smith and Wesson to survive in this country. Too much of our shooting business is now foreign or foreign owned, already. We just lost Federal/CCI, to the Czechs. No good.


So, you are okay with Ruger and Kimber then?

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Caving for survival? I can understand that but doesn’t mean i gotta support them. Fenix does just fine and they dont have to cave.

Hard to support a company that will cave for the dollar.


It is the “Golden Rule” in action… He who has the gold (Zukerberg) makes the rules.

The First Amendment reads …

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.”

Whatever else it is, Facebook is NOT Congress or any other government agency to which the 1st Amendment applies.

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I lost respect for Facebook years ago. Haven’t used Facebook since 2014 don’t miss it, I value my privacy.


Welcome to the community @Donald382 !


I got off FB when the Kavanaugh hearings where going on. I noticed one day FB had an “I believe her” avatar, so I went looking for the “I believe him” one, unsuccessfully. I ended up using the “I believe her” avatar but substituted Bill Clintons face for mine, then closed my account…which takes 6 months which was a definite sign I never should have been on that site in the first place. A year later I got access to my FB photos from a third party site, smdh…and threatened a lawsuit. Now I’m blocked from FB…as it should be.


Never had a FB account, never will. I see some of the things posted on others FB accounts and just don’t need to have it associated with me or my beliefs. This community is the closest thing I have, and for what it’s worth we can pick and choose where and when we post, and someone’s else’s crazy posts don’t show up on your account, if you will, because they are a friend or whatever. Yep, by being here they have a good idea we’re the 2nd Amendment types, but they knew that the day I got my CCW.


I just searched for S&W and they were on Facebook.