Smash and Grab?

Researchers at NYU compared crime rates and the formation of new nonprofits that focus on crime prevention, neighborhood development, substance abuse, workforce development, and youth programming across 264 cities in the U.S. between 1990 and 2013. They found that in a city of 100,000, each new nonprofit community organization lead to a 1.2 percent drop in the homicide rate, a one percent reduction in the violent crime rate, and a 0.7 percent reduction in the property crime rate. Substance abuse programs were responsible for the largest drops, followed by workforce development organizations.

Interestingly, Fon Du Lac County is solidly conservative and Republican. Crime rates in the area of this event are fairly high.

Also interestingly, this is about 30 miles north of USCCA headquarters!

Perhaps a move to Florida is in order for USCCA?

Portland murder rate increased by 540 percent. Seattle Murder ratge is between 68 and 125 percent. Los Angeles murder rate increased by 350 percent. Milleapolis murder rate increased by 70 percent… New York City by 45 to 54 percent. Compare these numbers with the 1 or 2 percent social programs might in theory help? We have seen with our own eyes what happens when we remove the crime and punishment from smash and grab crimes. They simply shove the employees out of the way take what they want and head for their cars. What will change if an unarmed social worked is dispatched to a smash and grab in a city with bail reform? 1 to 2 percent is a drop in the bucket, in my opinion anyway.


Obviously, Biden has to give amnesty and a living wage to thugs so they can go back to sitting in front of their televisions, smoking weed, drinking malt liquor and other community enhancing endeavors.


I agrgee that communities do have a vital role in lowering their crime rate. The problem I see is that the smash and grab hooligans don’t belong to the local community, they belong to a criminal community that materializes on command…
The locals are hit the hardest—their stores get closed, and as a result their jobs are lost so their families suffer. Smash and grabbers have become more violent towards sales clerks and security guards who are simply trying to do their jobs and not a few have been killed as a result.
Greed and lawlessness appear to be the motivating factors and those are moral issues, and
both social and governent programs appear incapable of addressing morality.
Programs can teach valuable job skills, they can keeps kids off the streets by providing sports and other opportunities,they can aide famiies & elderly fallen on difficult financial times and they can stifle human traffickers, but those aren’t the greedy, tech savvy flash mob members who drive cars en mass to smash and grab Home Depots, Guccis, and Walgreens. :thinking:


Quite a few of them going by the news footage.
If they are the same as a lot of the Antifa ilk, likely spoiled rich kids but who can say for sure?
But race isn’t the issue, nor should it be.
Racketeering is.

Consider if you will, who all exactly is being harmed?
When drugstore chains and the mom and pops get hit, the employees, shop keepers and the inner city communities they serve are hurt hardest.
When high end boutiques are plundered (in broad dayight these days) terrorized employees, customers and probably insurers take the brunt.

I disagree. Race is an issue. I don’t see mobs of white folk doing the smash and grab crimes.


12 percent of the population commits 90 percent of the crime.

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I suppose these clowns are model citizens?

Such a notion is both absurd and insulting to every non-white peace officer who served to keep you and your family safe.

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How does posting pictures of LEOs killed in the line of duty relevant to anything posted in this thread? It is not. You are a solution looking for a problem.

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I thought the problem was assigning the propensity towards criminality based on skin color.
That there are black, brown, Asian, Pacific Islander (even a Punjabi) LEOs who have paid with thier lives preventing crime is kind of relevent if that’s the road you want this thread to travel.

Also white gangs don’t hold a back seat to any of the other racial centric gangs.
One such gang is a major meth supplier in my town.

The gist of this thread is how does an armed citizen respond to a smash and grab if they are caught up in one and fear for thier life?


You are correct FACTS ARE RACIST.

Again, what does dead LEOs have to do with anything posted?

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Look into their eyes and ask them.


Sadly enough if you legalize or decriminalize petty theft, promise under age criminals they will serve no jail time, you have to expect that these crimes will increase. I would love to live in a world/community where peer/social pressure alone would be enough to stop crime. I also firmly believe if I were World Dictator, the world would be a better place, but that ain’t happening either!! :grin::joy::joy::thinking:


This is a real problem. Violent crimes, shootings and car jackings are being committed by younger boys and girls now, signalling a realbreak down of morality and social norms.

In many cases “success” is quantified by what I Have. I Have a BMW, I have Air Jordans, I have a Koors hand bag. The trial I sat on, the OG gang member had a Gucci ball cap. So, if I can go to the mall take all of the stuff that makes me appear successful, for free, I can tell you, not only do I Have, I got it all for free.


Some folks define success of communities the same way. So much money spent by the school… so much funds redirected by the city… Criteria of success are just as hollow as the theories behind them.


dat be kool

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One thing that is overlooked in this is, although trivial, is the cost to all of us because of this. Those losses need to be paid for and that is done by higher prices. Alot of lip service is paid to the fact that they have insurance to cover the losses. I’ve had business insurance and when you start making claims your premiums rise, quickly, not to mention the thousands in deductibles. That is an indirect cost that is passed to the consumer.
Add to that the cost to individuals living in those areas when they start closing down these businesses. Now the residents have to travel further for basic goods, not to mention shut-ins and the disadvantaged that rely on delivery from these businesses no longer being an option due to the distance from the businesses still opened.
Read a news article just recently with a list of over 60 businesses in San Francisco alone that are closing down immediately due to this exact reason and many more down the road considering the same thing.
Don’t even get me started on the no bail release and police defending policies of that state. Eventually the people are going to wake up to the fact that these failed progressive policies don’t work, but how many more victims do there need to be till they start demanding justice. Do they not understand that keeping their heads buried in the sand is only hurting themselves.
Love the fact that these ass clowns that have been pushing these failed progressive policies are suffering from their own ignorance, hate it that others that have nothing to do with it and are just considered collateral damage have to suffer as well.