Show us your home range/training area!

For those of you who are blessed with the space to havw a home “range”, we’d love to see how you have it set up!

Whether it’s an indoor dry fire range or an outside live fire area, I’d love to hear how you set it up! Pictures are welcome too!

THANKS FOR A NEW TOPIC! As soon as the weather changes we will post some pictures of our range and our moving target system. We are firearms instructors and training counselors , and train frequently, as well as train others. We shoot paper, steel, plate racks, dueling trees, etc. , as well as our moving target system. We have proposed to the USCCA to write an article on our training system, however they have not had that type of interest. This will be a great place to post some videos about our range.Thank goodness we live in Idaho and are fortunate to live in the country! Many thanks to the USCCA for all the info, the best magazine, and of course the insurance coverage!


Sounds like an awesome setup. Looking at the USCCA Reciprocity Map, Idaho recognizes my Massachusetts permit. Sounds like a road trip opportunity :grin:

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We would love to have you!


You may never get rid of me! I am pretty handy though and don’t eat much, so that would be a plus for you guys, haha.

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you might have to mow in the summer or blow snow in the winter lol! We welcome like minded folks! we have met some of the most interesting people, while training new instructors. Sharing ideas of training, discussing politics, hunting, etc.


Here is pix of the bullet trap we built.

…this is only a prototype, but works great! I am not a computer guru, sorry for large picture!

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We have a very nice range for our area. The Winchester Canyon Gun Club is open to the public Saturdays and Sundays from 0900 until 1530.

We also have three trap ranges and one skeet range.


With bricks in ground for distance markers at 7, 11, & 25 yards.

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