Should Teachers be Armed?

The problem I see with this is that you’e likely to create whole generations of thugs with skills that wouldn’t otherwise acquire them.

Faculty and staff should definitely have some empty handed skills as kids tend to be getting more violent towards them with every generation.

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@WildRose. I’m merely stating some educators are vehemently against guns and will not take it seriously if forced by the school, school district, or whatever the larger body is above them. Some people just dislike guns.

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That’s just it Robert. There are no programs for arming faculty/staff that force anyone to participate.

All of them are volunteer only.


“Teachers are in a position of power and authority.” - Not as much as you might think Derrick. Administrators in my district will commonly take the word of a 14 year old thug over a teacher’s word. On the main topic, I don’t see why as a vetted CCW holder, I should not be allowed to carry at school.

Welcome to the Community, @Paul55!

I cannot imagine how frustrating that must be for professionals who dedicate themselves to educating people to have a disgruntled teenagers word taken over theirs. :frowning:


Because of the special training and screening that armed school personnel receive? Training and screening that more comprehensive than the application for a concealed carry permit.
That’s why they can and you can’t. IMO

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It happens all the time. I had a personal video camera in my room for a number of years (In my state there is NO law against it - Most laws regarding ANY kind of videotaping mostly deal with how the information is DISPLAYED, not taken - but I digress) Anyway, my district later made a DISTRICT policy against it and basically threatened my job if I did not take it down, so I did. The teachers union? They supported the district’s actions. After all if I can take care of my own problems, I might stop paying union dues, right? Anyway, I have well over 30 years in and I’m retiring this year. Can’t wait. (Sorry about the rant)


When seconds count, do you really think getting your equipment out of a locker is prudent. I suggest you study the Parkland shooting and see what happened in the first 1 min and 39 seconds. You may need to rethink your opinion.

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Do they have a background checks 360 days a year? As an Illinois ccw holder I get checked 720 times a year. 360 days a year, time 2. 1 for more FOUD and 1 for my ccw license. Illinois ccw requirements, are 1 step shy of police qualifications for firearm proficiency. And, I’ve shot with several of my officer friends. I like the odds in my favor.


@Douglas24 True story Douglas24, in Illinois 720 times each year @45IPAC is telling you correctly and you’re reading it correctly.
Is it beneficial? Probably not but it’s just the way it goes here. Honest Abe Lincoln probably Shaking his head


Sure…Are you gonna place a guard at every door and every window? Do you really want to make a school look similar to a maximum security prison? Or better yet, lets make all schools gun-free zones. We’ve seen how well gun-free zones have worked out in mass shootings. Better start looking at the facts, instead of emotional knee jerk solutions.

Not sure what you’re arguing about here, @John111. My most recent suggestion is to allow teachers to volunteer to be armed after deep background checks and extensive training. Their primary role would be to defend their students and classroom. Retired military and/or law enforcement would provide door security and rapid response.

No suggestion of “gun free” or emotional reaction, nor triple fencing with razor wire, no guard towers or “dead lines”; just practical ideas for increased safety in schools.


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If you look up the Guardian Program in Florida or the FASTER program in Colorado, you’ll learn that armed school staff go thru 130+ hrs of training in force on force and deescalation, active shooter and marksmanship, they are psychologically screened and of
course background checked for state and federal with fingerprints. They have continuing ed/training requirements and have to renew more frequently than CCW’s. These are volunteer programs for school staff, including teachers, but I think they get paid a little
more once they are qualified. Depends on the state if teachers themselves, with the extra training, can carry as that is sometimes determined by state law. Otherwise it is up to the district.

I don’t know about IL except that they require the FOID card for purchases and CCW for concealed carry. Is it still “may issue” or did it get changed to “shall issue”? You get state and Fed. fingerprint check and record checked and your permits were only good
for 3 years. How that equates to 2 background checks per day annually (720), I don’t know. You have 16 hrs. of class and a marksmanship qualification, and that’s it. Hardly enough for shooting bad guys in schools.

Utah and Arkansas also have special armed school staff training programs and maybe more states that I’m not aware of off the top of my head.

Here’s some info for you.

I’m sorry David38, I guess I was confused by the format of this forum. I thought I was replying to the person that didn’t want armed teachers. Please for give me.

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Understood. No worries.I


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Illinois is shall issue. No finger prints required. 5 year license. The FOID, and CCW runs a background check every day, except New Year, 4th of July, Thanksgiving, and Christmas, to see if any FOID holders have been convicted of a felony. Your line of logic still doesn’t address the thought that the right to defend oneself, is conducive to a bureaucrats whim. How much training did the Broward county deputy have, when he sat outside and let kids get murdered? The 2nd Amendment doesn’t have a “required training” line in its statement. My pickup is more dangerous than my gun, yet I am allowed to drive in the school parking lot, with kids walking right in front on my truck. All I would have to do is lift off the brake, and it would roll over 15 kids in 5 seconds. The idea that only those with “X” amount of training should be allowed to carry in a school doesn’t wash.


That isn’t actually true in some states who are now allowing faculty and staff who are licensed to carry on campus.


Key words there, “should at LEAST have…”.

Keep in mind we now have rapid access biometric safes that can be opened instantly with your fingerprints or retina scan.

There’s definitely an argument for an extra measure of security in schools above and beyond normal civilian carry.

I may not fully agree with it, but I understand the argument.

A teacher with a well secured biometric handgun safe on say their desk or in plain view at the back or the room would have almost as quick access as someone carrying on their person.

I’d argue that having the handgun safe on the desk and a secure locker at the back of the class with a long gun in it might be in fact idea.

We’re not training faculty and staff to be swat teams or to go hunting school shooters for the most part, we’re simply talking about giving them a means to defend themselves and their kids in their classrooms should such a shooting take place.


I have an issue with a him put on a quick access safe. I understand why you believe this is a good idea. My issue is that the teacher would be handling it several times during the day, like no class for the next period, going to lunch, or meeting with the principal or administrators. Otherwise it is where the curious eyes, hands, and minds can try to gain access while teacher is out. Also what about the one time the y teach steps out and is in another classroom and am attempt is made to enter the school by someone intent on harm and it is in the lock box? The best gun for defense is on your person. In my humble opinion.


Simple, put it in a decent gun safe that cannot be easily broken into and don’t leave them unsecure when the building is empty of faculty/staff/security.

They were only able to access this weapon because they were given the time and access to do so.

There is no practical way to have faculty/staff or even security carrying rifles throughout the day nor would parents accept it.

Handguns are "handy’ and a good tool to have when you are fighting your way to a rifle or covering your movement to same, but in a fight you definitely want the rifle particularly if facing an opponent armed with one.

When possible you want to dominate over the subject and at a minute be equally well armed if you can’t.